How fast will I lose weight on this plan?!

Question: How fast will I lose weight on this plan.?
I am a 5' 9" woman and weigh around 160 lbs (don't have a scale right now). That puts me in a size 8 jean. I would like to be a size 4 or 2 (ideally). I am looking to lose 30-40 lbs. Anyway, the plan goes like this: I eat 4-5 meals a day consisting of 150 calories or less. I also walk for 30 minutes to an hour every day. How fast do you think I can lose the weight I need to.? I know it isn't really the healthy way, but I really need to lose weight for my prospective career path. also, I would love to hear about anybody elses experiences with a similar plan or a different one that worked. HELP! Thank you....Health Question & Answer

Tips to Lose Weight Fast

1. The Vacuum Pose will reduce your waist size fast

If you want a relatively easy way to lose about 2 inches from your waist in just 5 minutes a day without having to go to the gym... this is exercise you MUST do.

In just 5 minutes a day, everyday, for 23-30 days, you will lose 2 inches doing this exercise. Here's what you do.

Take a big breath and inhale while you suck in your lower belly (specifically the area by your belly button). Hold that isometric tension for 15-30 seconds and exhale. Repeat this for a total of 5 or more minutes a day. More is actually better. I have had clients do this for 15-20 minutes and they consistently got rid of 3+ inches from their stomach area.

2. For a quick 6-8 pound weight loss, take extra virgin coconut oil

You'll want it to be "extra virgin" as opposed to the regular coconut oil for purity reasons. All you do is take 1 tablespoon between meals (on an empty stomach) twice a day. A clear majority of my clients who followed this advice lost over 5 pounds in LESS THAN 2 weeks. Extra virgin coconut oil only costs $13 or so for a jar.

3. Use low calorie yogurts as snacks

Ok, I wouldn't necessarily call this a "breakthrough", but in a way it is. If you were to eat low calorie yogurts (80 calories or less) as your only snacks during the day, you'd pretty much have to lose weight (provided you eat relatively good with your meals).

So I highly suggest you eat 2-4 of these as snacks. Only apples are a better choice as a snack in my opinion.

Use these 3 tips to lose weight fast without having to totally change your diet or exercise hours and hours a week.

Health Question & Answer

You seem to be in a good track towards achieving your weight loss goal! if you can cut down your 4- 5 meals a day to 3 normal meals, with a total calorie intake of not more than 1500 per day, you should be able to loose 1kg per week ( do not go more than that as it will pose prolong health issues )

You should also consume more fiber as it will help your bowel movements. Green tea is good for helping you to loose weight, it is both natural and anti- oxidents. try it out and all the best Health Question & Answer
you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website

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PregnancyHealth Question & Answer

sounds good to me keep it up!Health Question & Answer

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