I know I've done this ?!

Question: I know I've done this .?
Posted it, But I've emailed the people with great answers, and they're not there. I want answers now. ):

do 100 sit ups a day.
I do a little yoga.
a tiny bit of push-ups.
Jumping jacks [100]
I'm a vegetarian.
I love biking and any sports headed my way. :P [even though I'm not all great at it or even good..]
I walk to school, and I rarely have snacks.
I rarely drink soda, if I do It's like.. twice a month.
but everytime I look in the mirror, I look wickedly fat.
What the hell am I suppost to do more to lose weight.
you people might think I wanna become anorexic but, I never honestly lie about these things.
I have stomach fat, thighs and back and butt. )=
can someone give me advice to lose these.?
I'm nearly willing to take diet pills, any good ones out there.?

Additional Details
I'm not being self-centered.
I honestly can't see how I am. =\
I'm just typing out my life style, and wanting on advice how to lose weight. For people to point out my flaws.
Jeez. =\

Is it really the rice making me fat.?
Because I eat it every single day!!
help. ):
and my BMI Is on overweight. =\

Maybe it is genetics, or maybe it's the rice I'm eating. =\

stupid genetics..
but my parents are both normal.

I barely eat cheese, I use to love cheese. But I haven't eaten it, in a while now. I never drink milk.
Diarys kinda out of my life.
But I eat white rice everyday.
I seriously need expert advice.
I love baking, but I do that every week. I don't always eat all of my creations I share. :)
My legs are disproportional from my body.
I need to lose fat, I don't care what excersizes it'll take!Health Question & Answer

~There are many ways to lose weight. Watching what you eat is important no matter what. Avoid a lot of red meat and try your best to try to not eat the fat that most red meat contain. When eating chicken, try not to eat a lot of the skin, yadda, yadda yadda... Eat more fish... And since you're a vegetarian, no need to really look into that. BUT you still need protein. Research shows that it helps with weight loss, so try to get a daily serving of protein.
~You exercise, that's great. But how much do you eat every time you eat a meal.? If you starve yourself and only eat one to three times a day, you will most likely eat more. It's just the way things goes... It's really not bad to eat snacks once in a while, just make sure you eat the right snacks. It helps you eat less in your meals. So, snacks are not bad! Just don't eat too much snacks, be conscious of the amount you are eating by using small containers according to the serving size.
~My personal favorite to to quicken your metabolism. There are multiple ways to quicken your metabolism, one is to drink more ice water. It expands your calories, and that raises your metabolism... And the list goes on... See here. :D http://www.naturalphysiques.com/faq/458....
Run, play more sports, and park your car at the very end of the lot farthest away from the store. Every calorie count. Well, overall, good luck! I know you can do it!Health Question & Answer

You can get all the help your looking for right here http://moourl.com/xn7sl . I visit this site at leats 2-3 times daily to get answers related to your question. Cheers! Health Question & Answer

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