When, how much and how often do I take Creatine and Whey Protein?!

Question: When, how much and how often do I take Creatine and Whey Protein.?
I am a 14 year old (15 in December) guy in Highschool.
155 pounds.
5' 9"
I am on the school baseball team and we condition by performing football drills then some light weightlifting right after about 2 times a week. The weightlifting consists of exercises for the whole body.

-Do I take the Creatine Before training with the Protein when training is done.?
- If so do I take it right before practicing or a few hours before.?
- And do I take both the Creatine and Whey Protein for practices and games or just weightlifting.?


the creatine:


whey protein:

http://www.gnc.com/product/index.jsp.?pro...Health Question & Answer

Many problems here.
The most obvious is you are too young for creatine. I know you don't want to hear that but your body is already in a chaotic state of hormonal imbalance, no sense in adding to that. Best to wait until you are 18, but if you insist on having it now, the least I can do is steer you in the right direction.
Second, your links are horrible. NEVER, EVER buy from GNC. Their stock is severely overpriced and most of it does not work. Basically, avoid anything by MuscleTech, it is all garbage. Try buildingbrawn.com, their stock is a good $20 cheaper and they have higher quality items. My preference is Cytosport or Optimum Nutrition for protein, and VPX or BSN for creatine.
Third, every ad you see as well as the instructions you see on the bottle are wrong. They are geared to deplete your supply faster so you have to buy new product faster, leading to empty pockets. The body only processes about 3g of creatine a day (with 1 workout). You should only use creatine BEFORE the workout, after is a waste.
Creatine is used in the ATPcP cycle of energy conversion. This is the first energy cycle and is only effective through the first 10-20 seconds of an exercise. That being said, powerlifters and sprinters and anyone involved in short bursts of energy are the only ones who will benefit from it.
As far as the protein, you need to take in 1g per lb of body weight per day if you are doing intense training and .5g per lb during off times.Health Question & Answer

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