Am I doing this right? I need your advice please!?!

Question: Am I doing this right.? I need your advice please!.?

Everyone, I mean everyone, in my family is fat or obese. The two skinny people that were skinny in my family (2 guys) are now fat. I am losing hope. I am a yo-yo dieter, I'm 5'2 and 128.5 lbs. I was 131 last week. My fear is of getting fat, I know it is in my genes. Anyway, in the past, I would exercise hardcore and not hardly eat anything, I would work out in the gym for 4 hours everyday, then I would get really sick, I would get colds all the time. I went down to 115 and people told me I was too skinny. I got sick of hearing it so I ballooned in weight up to 130. Then I went down to 120. Then back up.


I'm trying to do it right this time. Some help.?
Am I doing this right.?

I am slowly building up exercise, I am not forcing myself. Whenever I get the notebook out to write down what I eat, it's like my body triggers bad memories of restriction, because then I binge like there's no tommorrow. So I stopped keeping track of what I'm eating, I am just slowly building up. I'm eating a little junk, but not as much as I used to.

I make an effort to exercise. I was tired for 2 days, it got me mad and impatient, but I didn't make myself exercise like I normally do.
Now, I'm getting into it again.

How do I not yo-yo.?

Any other yo-yoers out there with a huge fear of getting fat.?

Am I doing this right.?

Any tips.?

Thanks!Health Question & Answer

Hey, same problem in my family too, all the girls are chunky. I'm also a yo-yo dieter, and i have a fear of being fat. But i decided that instead of worrying about it, i was going to eat 3 meals a day, with snacks in between of anything healthy, and exercise 30 minutes 4 times a week, i also treat myself a few times a week also. And i have lost 5lbs in just over a week (: . If you're body is craving some chocolate or ice cream, then have some! i mean don't eat the whole thing, just a few bites or a small bar of chocolate. It's nice that im not obsessing over my weight anymore, it's such a relief! Don't worry i know what you're going through when it comes to exercising, when you first start, it's really difficult, but after about 4 days, you will notice the results. I follow a pilates video online .?v=fdMptxZv4hQ" rel="nofollow"> .. and you feel it working straight away, then after a week, you see the difference, and it just edges you to carry on with the exericse. Good luck (:Health Question & Answer

you could just eat and drink heathly and also exercise and you wont get fat that muchHealth Question & Answer

Well, stop the dieting thing. Let go. I know it sounds bad, but let go. Have you heard of the 'intuitive eating' program.? Buy the book. It's about how to stop dieting and honoring your hunger.

Do some exercise you actually enjoy. There must be something.? Health Question & Answer

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