What is strength training?!

Question: What is strength training.?
Ive been told that doing just cardio workout can decrease metabolism and to combine strength traing with cardio. Are push ups, sit ups and chair dips strength training.? and what can you reccomend me doing that does not include any equipment.Thank you for reading and hopefull you can help me out.

For my cardio workout I skip rope and run.Health Question & Answer

There are two types of people who exercise:

1. Exercise to buld body. (Body Builders)
2. Exercise to get stronger.

Strength training is training to get stronger, not really working for a nice body. Yes push ups, sit ups and chair dips are strength training, but also a little on the body building side.

You can also do these:

Run, jog or walk ---> Once in a while, just get outside for a little jog, and relax, don't push yourself. This can also relax your muscles as long as you don't force yourself to run. I go for a walk once in a while after Im done exercising, just to get some fresh air.

Crunches ---> Crunches are considered better than sit ups. Why.? When you do sit ups, you work your abs, your back and muscles in your legs to get all the way up and back down. Crunches focus directly on your abs and nothing else. Just go on google and search 'crunches', you'll learn how to do them.

Chin ups ---> Once in a while do chin ups instead of push ups. Its just another way of trying something new instead of doing the same old routine everyday.

Wall sits ---> These are great for your legs, one of the best if you ask me. Again, if you dont know how to do these, search the web. They are very effective.

Important note: Don't work all your muscles every day! It may lead to pain. Try to work your legs and arms one day, and abs and shoulders some other day. Switch them around once in a while so you're not forcing your body.

also don't do the same routine everyday, week after week. Your routine will be effective the first few months, but after that, your body gets used to the same thing and its not as effective anymore. Try new exercises, look around on the internet.

-Good LuckHealth Question & Answer

any form of training that increases your strength, press ups, dumbbells, cardio, resistance training.Health Question & Answer

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