Is this an effective workout schedule?!

Question: Is this an effective workout schedule.?
Monday-Back and Biceps
Tues-Chest and Triceps
Thurs-Back and Biceps
Friday-Chest and Triceps
Weekend-RestHealth Question & Answer

The only thing I'd add would be to work your core with your legs and perhaps some cardio as well. The only problem with a simple split program like yours is that it can get boring quickly if you don't change things up.

If you just want to stick to the same exercises though you will see the same results as if you periodically changed your exercises as contrary to popular belief there is no such thing as 'muscle memory' and your muscle do not get used to an exercise if you perform it a lot as they have no way of knowing what exercise you are performing.

If you do one exercise a lot it will obviously get easier because your muscles will adapt to the stresses. The adaptation is reliant on the muscles used though and not the exercise so you would find that every exercise that used the same muscles would be just as easy. Health Question & Answer

1 day legs,next day arms,next dayback/shoulders,next day chest/abs,
two days off start again,if you miss a day,don't try to catch up,carry on with the plan --p.s. didn't think i'd need to explain about a 10/15 minute cardio/bike ride before every workout,or warm up and cool down exercises,but apparently some childish ego's put downers on you if you don't explain every detail,because they obviously assume everyone isn't capable of thought--but i have faith in you even if they don'tHealth Question & Answer

typically you would want to put in a rest day after legs, because you need at least 72 hrs between working out body parts to allow them time to rebuild. Overtraining is the number one mistake of beginners. Other than that its a standard routine. After about 6 to 8 weeks you might consider changing it up to avoid allowing your body to get too used to it and growth will not be as forthcoming.

Muscle memory, though it has nothing to do with your question, is a well established scientific fact.Health Question & Answer

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