About how many lbs could I lose in a month if I ate 200 calories every other day and 800 on the off days?!

Question: About how many lbs could I lose in a month if I ate 200 calories every other day and 800 on the off days.?
Monday - 200 calories
Tuesday - 800 calories
Wednesday - 200 calories
Thursday - 800 calories
Friday - 200 calories

Dont say its bad, idc.
Just tell me how much I could lose in about a month.

Thanks, :].Health Question & Answer

ALOT, but as soon as you start to eat normal again it will all come back, and quick. I lost 6lbs in 3 days eating 1000 calories a day, and i gained it all back in less than a week. Health Question & Answer

Where did you hear that, 'trick your metabolism'.?.?.? lol I'm sorry, but the only trick your going to do to your metabolism is put it into shock, causing your body to store every single calorie you take in because, like a starving machine, it is afraid it will not get enough. So you'll ruin your metabolism for life if you go on that diet. So to answer your question, you'll lose weight, sure, but once you start to eat again, your body will take all it can get and store more than before you started that diet. Your body will be in survival mode and the metabolism/pituitary gland has a lot of say in that, not your caloric intake....

JB below me: That's called water weight. When you go on a diet, the first thing you lose is the water weight... and you probably went back to your old eating styles and gained the water weight back. It's not possible to lose fat and gain fat that quickly in one week.Health Question & Answer

That isn't a healthy way to go about losing weight. Of course, it depends on what you weigh now, but averaging 1200 to 1500 calories per day should get you to a "normal" weight at a good pace.

If you restrict your calorie intake too much, your body goes into "starvation mode" and will hang on to every bit of fat it has. Drink lots of water, eat healthy low calorie, low fat foods and get a little exercise every day and you'll get to your proper weight. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

Aside from the starving thing, it's stupid to go 200-800-200. What's the point of the rotation again.? You should try to keep you intake around the same amount daily, then add/subtract like 100 calories every 11 days if you want to change it so at least your body can adjust to it. Health Question & Answer

I don't think it is possible to survive on 200 calories per day. Your body uses more energy than that just sleeping.Health Question & Answer

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