Drastic diet plan! =]?!

Question: Drastic diet plan! =].?
urghh send me a link 4 a diet dat works r like a miracle exercise regime i don't care if it's completely unhealthy i want 2 lose weight drastically now!Health Question & Answer

You need to be determined to lose the weight. A easy way to lose weight though is to eat less and exercise.

It really is pretty simple, only eat 1/2 to 1/3 of what you WANT to eat. So say you buy a Whopper at burger king - only eat half or less. Eat half or less of the fries.

It is easier if you fast for 24 hrs - just drink lots of water and then on the next 24 hrs eat a boiled egg for breakfast or small bowl of cereal, for lunch 2 pieces of fruit and just very small portions of whatever you are eating for dinner.

Then after that your stomach is shrunk and you will not be 'as hungry' physically but mentally your mind is saying eat eat. Don't listen.

Every day drink at least 2 quarts of water, and only 1/2 or 1/3 of a portion of whatever you are eating. Try to eat a well rounded diet of cereal OR bread or toast and egg, single slice of bacon for breakfast, then fruit and crackers for lunch, a small yogurt whatever.
Dinner just cut portions down to 1/3 of what you'd normally eat.. always always drinking lots of water.

If you get terribly hungry try drinking a small glass of milk. Wait 20 min and if you are still very very hungry drink another small glass of milk. Then drink lots of water.

NOW everywhere you go that you possibly can walk and walk fast. After dinner or lunch try to walk 5-6 blocks - fast. That would be 3 blocks out and 3 blocks back - not bad and I guarantee if you do this and don't cheat and gorge yourself you will lose the weight. also once your stomach is 'used' to eating smaller portions you will keep it off if you continue to walk. You can always chew a stick of gum to help kill appetite too or eat a small piece of fruit, celery, etc.

Never reward yourself with FOOD - reward yourself with a new pair of pants or pretties for your hair or a good book, but NOT food. That is teaching your body that rewards are food and you don't need any more food.

Another thing that is important is to find an 'interest' - like reading, or doing crochet or knit - anything to keep your hands and mind busy so you don't think about food all the time.

My daughter (18) lost 65 pounds in 4-1/2 months doing this and she never felt 'bad' or did not lose the nice gloss to her hair or her slightly rosy cheeks. :)Health Question & Answer

Try Japanese diet or colored diet. They really work. But the problem is not onlty to lose weight, but to keep the new weight. Therefore the fast slimming is not good - yo-yo will appear for sure.
see best-fat-burn-strategies com for Japanese diet and color diet.
Good luck!Health Question & Answer

thats just plain stupid because by taking regular excersise and eating senibly you can lose significant weight quickly i was 158 pounds in feburary (im 5'11 and a guy) and by july i was 130 and had gained a lot of muscle mass so by doin the same u could lose even moreHealth Question & Answer

Check out this book it shows you how to lose weight the safe and healthy way. This worked great for me.
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