Why do I continue losing weight?!

Question: Why do I continue losing weight.?
Well I was kinda on a diet but not really, just watching what I eat and I lost 5 pds and I was happy with being 13, 80 pds, and 4'11.
But now I keep losing weight and I don't understand because I'm ALWAYS hungry and I'm eating like every 1-2 hours. I use to eat way less than this and I would never lose weight. So this is what I ate today:

10:00 am Breakfast- really little bowl of rice krispys cereal with fat free milk (prob. 200 cals I'm guessing)

11:40 am- an apple

1:10 pm- carrot sticks
2:00 pm- 60 calorie light and fit yogurt
3:30 pm- 2 pieces of plain whole wheat toast w/ nothing on it
4:00pm- 1 motzerella string cheese

And I haven't eaten dinner yet which is usually something big, probably is gunna be 400-600 calories. But at night I'm never hungry... So thats basically what I eat. It may sound little apart but when you put it together its pretty big. I think I'm somwhere at 77 pds now and I lost that in less than a week and I don't think thats healthy. Why do I keep losing weight.? Is it because I eat frequently.? But why am I so hungry.? Has my metabolism sped up.? And this may sound gross but my pee literally has no color, it could pass for water. Is that healthy.?.? What is wrong with me.?.?.?.?.?
Please help! ThanksHealth Question & Answer

and if that doesnt work,
call a nutritionistsHealth Question & Answer

omg are you stupid.? you are eating like you are a starving child in africa. Eat 3 big meals a day. Stop starving yourself, its not attractive.Health Question & Answer

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