Is 5 pounds in one month good?!

Question: Is 5 pounds in one month good.?
Since August 25th, to September 25th (last time i weighed myself) I have lost 5 1/2 pounds. Is that good.? Or not enough.? In total i have lost 17 pounds (since around may, I think) I weigh 175.5 last time i weighed myself (the 25th). But is 5 pounds in a month good.? Any tips.?.?

I do 20-30 minutes of work out dvd's each night, and other small things like crunches and weights. And i portion control (p.s. dont say eat fruits and veggies cause i know)
Thanks!Health Question & Answer

Wooohooo! you rock girl! You just burn that fat right up!
Seriously, though. That sounds very good. You sound like a determined person to actually have kept up your diet since may. Dont you dare stop now! and yes, what you are doing is healthy! dont let others say it isnt. I have been a "health freak" for a long time, and People who say that it isnt healthy arent considering your weight. The heavier you are, the more calories you burn. And unless you are in the 6 foot range, I'm guessing that you are over weight. But the fact that you are doing something about it is wonderful.
Happy dieting!Health Question & Answer

well it is very good but don't stop you know you could always do better
eating lean meats
but if you do an hour even by sleeping you can lose weight so sleep at leats 6 hrs if you can't do an hour a day do at least like run in place for a minute drink fresh juice plain and simple like put 4 strawberries cup of ice and cold pineapple juice that smoothie is delicious
and low in carbs and holds up for long
Health Question & Answer

its a terrific weight loss rate. Some people try to lose too fast, and the majority of them just end up rebounding. 1-2 pounds per week is a healthy rate to lose weight and keep it off, and you're doing just about that. It sounds like you're doing it the right way too - no fad diets - just good nutrition, exercise and healthy portions.

Great Job! keep it up. : ) Health Question & Answer

Yes. I say you should be losing /about/ 2 pounds per week which is exactly what you're doing. Not only are you eating well, but you are also doing workouts, so you're also shaping your body. Keep up the good work.Health Question & Answer

yes.Health Question & Answer

that is good and safe. Much more then that is dangerousHealth Question & Answer

yes it is a proper and safe amount, doing it slow and eating right and working out are the right way to go. Congrats on the weight loss and good luck! You are on the right path.Health Question & Answer

i think 5lbs a month is excellent especially since you are not killing yourself to try and lose weight.
i average 5 lbs a month of weight loss. some weeks i might lose up to 3lbs and some weeks nothing and it averages out to 5lbs a month.
i did very little weight training and rode my bicycle over 200miles in 2 weeks and only lost 1 1/2lbs. i'll be happy if i lose 3 1/2lbs in the next 2weeks.
ive lost a total of 20lbs.Health Question & Answer

Yes iyour suppose to lose no more than 2 pounds a week so 5 1/2 is good...keep going and you'll lose more...I workout 2 hours almost every night...walking helps a lot! I jog and run in place for an hour...I switch my workout on the excer. Bike for 20 min. The I do crunches.jumping jacks...leg lifts..the bridge...anything that will make me break a sweat and I drink lots and lots of water..I don't eat after 7...I don't even drink diet soda cuz I heard it wasn't good for u...portion control is really big if u get hungry drink water if I need a chocolate fix I eat yoplait's chocolate mousse its great and only 170 what u eat and check if your losing inches because sometimes you lose inches and not weight so the scale doesn't matter k..hope I could help! If u need support you can email me im going through the same and its not easy..keep you're head up stay focused and don't give up..what helps me is thinking of getting in my size 5 jeans again! Lol...and seeing the look on everyones face lol when I've accomplished my goal! Good luck!Health Question & Answer

it's okay but if your try to get toward your goal weight soon then your in trouble.
but let me tell you a story about myself and see if that helps you any k.?
alright, so about 6 years ago when I was in 2nd grade I was a complete loser. I was weak, shy, and i didn't stand up for myself at all.
You know one of those girls that you would never want to be friends with but love to mock and jeer at.
so about 2 years later,5th grade, I had had enough! I decide i wasn't going to be invisible any longer. I started to train myself in strength and agility. I started doing push-ups. First, i could only do 3 in 10 min.
Then, i started doing 20. then finally 30. i did them whenever i had a chance. when i was wacthing the TV. or even when i just didn't have anything else to do. i trained with 3lbs weights. i laid on my back and with the weights i lifted my arms about 2 inches off the ground and held them there for as long as i could. puiased with about a five minute break and did it again. this helped me tremendiously. By the next year I even though i was still shy i was know as the armwrestling champ because i had beaten all of the other students in my grade at armwrstling. then just this past year i joined trak and field at my school. i had never done it before but i wanted to do it because i knew i could get stronger. my friend told me about shot-put and discus and it sounded like fun! that year i beat my captain at throwing shot-put, my 6lbs ball went 31ft 8inches. i was soon made captain for my efferts.

so what i hope you got out of that is push yourself to what you think your exstant is. then you'll feel soo proud of yourself. if you think exercising 20 min. a day is not enough then go for it! seriously!Health Question & Answer

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