Does anyone have any little tricks?!

Question: Does anyone have any little tricks.?
I am trying to loose weight and I know eat healthy and exercise. but does anyone have any little tricks to not want to eat even though your not hungry. just the fact you cant have it!Health Question & Answer

Eat lots of protein and fiber, they take longer to digest which keeps you fuller longer. Most people try to live off of fruit/yogurt, eat meat lol, lean chicken/turkey breast, tuna, salmon, eggs, nuts, and lentils (beans/legumes, if you're vegitarian) are all good.

Drink water at every meal, and in between meals if you feel hungry. 6 meals daily spaced 2-3 hours apart. BMR + how much you burn from exercise - 500 calories is good.Health Question & Answer

I learned all my tricks from a program called They whole program may help you, its all about healthy weight loss without pills or chemicals and it seems to be working for everyone I know on it, including me. the best part is that they have a custom meal and diet generator that is tuned to your specific body. I get to eat what I want but it plans out the portions for me. I dont have to worry anymore. Thjat is a real trick. Maybe it will help you too.Health Question & Answer

here are some tricks that will make a big difference

1 wake up early in the morning

2 eat 5 small meals per day

3 increase the protein content of ur meals

4 decrease the carbohydrate and fat content of ur meal

5 drink 3 to 4 liters of water per day

6 fibers should be incorporated in ur meals(vegetables.strawberries)

7 don't eat after 6 p.m.

and it's better for u to run or jog the first thing u do in the morning on an empty stomach and that's it ...u'll begin seeing the result within the second week.....good luck
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