Why do people on this site think anything bigger than 34-24-34 or 36-26-36 is fat? That's a UK size 8!?!

Question: Why do people on this site think anything bigger than 34-24-34 or 36-26-36 is fat.? That's a UK size 8!.?
Cause they think girls should look like Nicole Richie at her skinniest.

A lot of people who say that are probably ugly and obese. I definately don't let it get at me, so the thing they're trying to achieve by saying it is exactly the opposite of what they get.


(I'm 38-28-38 for the record.)

Edit: It also seems I'm the reason this question was asked :)Health Question & Answer

I can't say I've noticed that on this site, but I'd say many people are influenced heavily (and wrongly) by the media.

NellyB(size 16)Health Question & Answer

I haven't seen that on here or anywhere else for that matter.Health Question & Answer

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