Wow, taking it easy is making me lose more weight!?!

Question: Wow, taking it easy is making me lose more weight!.?
Let me tell you my experience:

When I hit 14, I went from being a little skinny scrawny girl to a very very curvy, almost near overweight girl. It was a shock to me. So I exercised like crazy until I went down to 115. Then went back up. Then down. Over the years, I did crazy things like write down everything I ate, exercised 4 hours a day, really restricted my calories, and I only noticed a 2 lb drop every week. It was disappointing but I took it. I was also sick with the cold or flu all the time.

Years later, (recently) I did some soul searching and did my homework. Why was I always hungry.? Turns out I was addicted to carbs. My body doesn't tolerate carbs like normal people's bodies. So when I eat a lot of them, my body goes haywire and says, "GIVE ME SOMETHING TO EAT RIGHT NOW, I'M STARVING!" Ramen noodles totally does it to me, coffee with sugar does it to me, even candy does it to me. It only makes me crave more.

So I went on a low carb regime. No, not Atkins. Atkins damages your body. I still have carbs every now and then, I actually had pizza the other day. I don't go crazy with exercise. Now, I listen to my body. If it is tired, I don't do anymore. I don't force my body anymore.
But I still exercise 4-5 times a week, weightlifting and cardio.

Wow, it hasn't even been two weeks and I went from 131 lbs to 128! 3 lbs! My weight was really stubborn in the past!

Does anybody notice this, that when they go a lot easier on their bodies, the weight just falls off, as opposed to getting obsessed about it like I was.?

I hope to stop the yo-yo and keep this off!
Health Question & Answer

Good for you! In reading your story, I recognized you inadvertently discover the most important diet out there - the balanced diet. You see, by taking it easy, your body can relax more. You're not putting as much physical and mental stress on it. As a result, you have allowed your body to work the way it's supposed to. Many people would love to be in your position and I'm happy you found something that works for you. Remember that working out is very important, but eating all types of foods from each food group is equally important. Of course, you need to eat them in moderation. It looks like you're already doing that though. Keep up the good work and I hope my long-winded answer has helped you!

Cheers!Health Question & Answer

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