How long can you go without food?!

Question: How long can you go without food.?
i have not eaten in 6 days and have still not decided to eat just yet i drink water daily but have only had 240 calories in the past 6 days i'm in the middle of a break up and this is how i'm dealing with the issue i have went down almost 20 in a week and a half and really like the loss of weight but how else can i do it than this.Health Question & Answer

If I was you, I would start eating again, not relationship is worth not eating. Have a little self respect and take care of your self.

I you want to loose weight, do it the right way, not by starving your self, because what happens is that your metabolism simply just stop working, and then when you start eating again, you gonna gain more weight than your starting point.

Start eating again, small portions. put in some cardio so you get your metabolism up and run again.


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If you stay properly hydrated, you can probably live for a month before you die of starvation, but this is not healthy. You are damaging your organs and your muscles. Most of what you have lost is probably water weight. And when you start eating again, you will bounce back and gain the weight back, perhaps even more.

You need to eat normally and exercise harder. Exercise is a great way to get through a break-up. Try it, but start eating again!

Edit: Eddie Lo, of course it's possible. 1 gram of fat has 9 kcal , 1 gram of protein has 4 kcal. 1,500 kcal per day, for 21 days is 31,500 kcal, or about 8 kg of protein or 3.5 kg of fat. The body starts to "digest" itself when starving and can easily provide 3.5 kg of fat or 8 kg of protein.Health Question & Answer

Longer than you can go without water. Losing weight fast like this usually means one thing you will gain it back plus extra. The way to stay thin is to eat healthy, eat in moderation, and exercise at least 5 times a week. Its not that hard to figure out, it's just hard to do. What your doing to your body now is not good and when you do eat your body since it's in starvation mode will hold onto every last calorie. Health Question & Answer

Well you will lose weight fast, but you know what will happen.?
If you don't eat for a while, once you start eating again (which you will have to go eventually or die)
You will gain it all back - plus some. in face, plus a LOT MORE. because you are starving yourself and your body will suddenly store all the fat you eat, every little bit. In the long run you are making yourself fatter.
Exercise and eat! It will make you feel 100 times better, even about your breakup.
And I have heard of people go 70 days without food.Health Question & Answer

You are toying with your quality of life. You are burning your adrenals, and it will cost you.
Don't do this. Check your adrenals.
You are literally killing yourself. also, you WILL gain the weight back and then some.
STOP what you are doing. Health Question & Answer

I lost weight quick using Phentremine Civ-xR, I dropped 9 pounds in 2 days, I think there still having a free trial you can find it here,

hope this helps,Health Question & Answer

Wow! just wait till you do start eating. You are going to be HUNGRY! That's not healthy.
Just do like most people, & just get over it. You'll look back one day & laugh your butt off at yourself for even being upset.Health Question & Answer

with just water- at the max 7 days...
without water...maybe like 2 days...
starving and being dehydrated- would be a horrible death...Health Question & Answer

LOL! I heard 3 weeks without food but that doesn't sound possible, considering you need about 1500 calories minimum a day.Health Question & Answer

depends on your emotional state, but probably less than 2 weeks.
oh, and when you start eating again, you'll gain the weight back.Health Question & Answer

About 2 hours when I'm full.Health Question & Answer

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