Is runing the best Cardio for loosing weight?!

Question: Is runing the best Cardio for loosing weight.?
If you are looking for both great cardio and weight loss then yes its a top choice. However, swimming is also a great calorie burner!!! Micheal Phelps consumed 12,000 (that's what the average person is supposed to consume in 6 days!!) calories a day during the olympics and he looked great. also if your body cant handle running then walking briskly actually burns more calories than expected, and if you cant run that long then walking could help you burn more since your stamina allows you to go longer! Hope that helps! Health Question & Answer

Running is good cardio, but it is really high impact, so you are at a higher risk for injury. You could just speed walk for a longer period, and you would probably get the same results. The reason why people run is because it's faster, so if you have a crazy schedual, I would recommend running. But once your body gets used to it, it becomes harder for the weight to come off, so I would mix it up with other cardio activities so your body won't adjust and will continue to lose weight.Health Question & Answer

Yes of course. But you should regularly do this to lose weight.Health Question & Answer

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