Why is it best to eat dinner before 6pm....?!

Question: Why is it best to eat dinner before 6pm.....?
I have heard that is healthy to eat dinner this early.

Why is that.?

Just wondering.

Thanks in advance :)Health Question & Answer

Because it gives your body the maximum amount of time to digest your food before you go to bed. There is a multi-billion dollar industry that thrives on the fact that people eat food before going to bed and end up with GERD ( Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease.) Prilosec, Zantac etc. would not be needed as much if people would allow their stomach to empty before going to bed!Health Question & Answer

your body finds it hard to break down food, especially carbs in the evening therfore its likely it would be stored as fat. your body prepares for rest after 6pm so it does not need energy (food)

and yes this is true! thinjk about it, your about to go to sleep your not going to be doing any exercise for the next 7/8 hours to burn it off
hope this helps!Health Question & Answer

It may be best in some ways, but often it causes you to get hungry again and end up eating a fourth meal later.
If you don't increase the amount you eat, then eating early would cause you to stay more active longer before going to sleep.Health Question & Answer

because your metabolism slows down at night when your relaxing and getting ready for bed , so you don't burn off any fat and the body absorbs more and stores it, unless you can go for a walk after you eat it is better to eat earlierHealth Question & Answer

if your talking Calories then your wrong, a Calorie is a Calorie no matter when you eat it. people eat way before bed so their stomach is settled when they are asleepHealth Question & Answer

So the digestion process is over by the time you sleep.

No nightmares.
And no undigested food that will turn ino fat or something to that effect.Health Question & Answer

I DONT THINK THATS TRUEHealth Question & Answer

so you don't go to sleep on a full stomachHealth Question & Answer

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