Help, I need to lose 100lbs!!!?!

Question: Help, I need to lose 100lbs!!!.?
Ok! My doc gave me an ultimatum; lose 100 lbs in the next two years. He says if I don't my GI system is getting damaged. I have already stopped cooking with oils and butter. I have bought a water filter pitcher (just can't drink the stuff much, it tastes awful). switched to drinking more tea to cut back on pop (i used to drink a 2 liter a day, now I am lucky to get one cup a day). I also quite using salt. Sugar is still my guilty pleasure but I have decreased my sugar consumption by half. I know I can't go cold turkey it would only set me up for failure (tried before and it only led to massive panic on my part, not good) I am active in my daily life but rarely find time to exercise (it is not possible for me to exercise daily b/c some days I don't get home till 9pm and by then I am exhausted) I know some things that I still need to do like drink more water and cut out more sugar but I feel stuck, I have already made all of these changes and still nothing (9 lbs in two months). What else can I do and how do you feed a family of 5 on a budget of $350 a month healthy items. I buy chicken, fish, frozen veggies, and fruit now. what else can I do.?Health Question & Answer

Don't panic. Two years will be more than enough if you take this all in stride. DON'T crash diet, don't suddenly start depriving depriving depriving, cutting all sugars, cutting all salt, cutting this and cutting that. Your body has to have these everyday things, even sugars salts and fats, in order to cycle through food, take from it what it needs, and boot out what it doesn't need, what it considers "waste." The key to achieving a healthy weight is not about deprivation of all kinds of stuff, or the constant question "What else can I cut out.?" By doing this, you train your body to NOT be able to process anything, and not be able to deal with anything. ever notice little kids can eat whatever they want to... not gain a pound and have all the energy in the world.? At a young age, we have not spent years over-worrying about CUTTING out this and cutting out that, we haven't yet trained bodies to be helpless against fats and other substances that are scapegoated as the enemy. You must instead BALANCE, and the biggest wrongdoers against balance, are fast food menu items. Even your fast food salads are coming in failing on those sodium levels and such. So, stick to those items you are starting to buy. Get in a "green" at every dinner, add a fruit to every breakfast, no matter what you are having. Have some kind of veggie snack on the side of your whole wheat or whole grain bread sandwich at lunch. Just that change in your bread by the way will nourish your GI tract greatly. It is very pampering. On the best of diets you may find yourself eating more, going more to the bathroom, but your skin getting healthier, and your skin will reflect what your GI tract looks like, and finally, a healthy GI tract is expelling more unneccesary fats, and wastes that cause and maintain unwanted weight. It may seem extremely simple, just eating right, including grains, fruits and veggies, and maybe a brisk walk 3-4 times a week is safe for 100lbs overweight or more, but simple as it is, that's all it takes, and your current 5lbs a month or so, is TOTALLY NORMAL. This is exactly how much you should be losing, and it's on track for success believe it or not. BUT do not slip into that mega deprivation strategy, it will train your body WRONG. My mother did ATKINS hard, and ruined her blood sugar, triggered her own GI problems, triggered her own diabetes, and anemia, her body can handle nothing now, and she continues deteriorating. So be giving, but give the right things, and that GI tract will thank you. Health Question & Answer

Eat less.

Take a tablespoon of light olive oil or vegetable oil whenever you get hungry. It will help suppress your appetite.

But more importantly, eat less.Health Question & Answer

Read tips on Weight loss and Exercise Programs to help you on this siteHealth Question & Answer

if you want sugar eat fruit and drink 100 percent fruit juice..try your best to avoid pre-made meals and fast food..if you eat fast food try to eat chinese food but it has to be the sauteed meals and steamed rice and veggies or soups..
Try to do some sort of exercise through out the day..walk more often..when you go use the restroom walk in place in the rest room every single time you go..drink lots of water try to drink close to a liter a day and intake lots of fiber..
exercise often..everything takes time..just do it as often as you one is perfect..Health Question & Answer

On they have a blog called "Eat this not that" and it greatly helped in adjusting my diet. It shows you the true calories in dishes and healthier choices to pick. I know you're tired when you get home but just try to do a little here and there through the day in regards to exercise. Maybe 20 minutes in the morning could be used for stretching/yoga or light weight training with old mild jugs filled with water. Do leg lifts, crunches, jumping jacks, squats, lunges anytime you find you have 5 mins. Walk around during your lunch. You don't have to go to the gym, just keep moving.

Stop drinking soda every day and only have 1 cheat day where you can have 1 cup of soda. Yes it sucks but you don't need soda. The same goes with all the bad foods (fried, sugary, and salty). Choose a cheat day and stick with a healthy diet the rest of the week. What worked for me was to give up all the bad stuff in my diet for 2 weeks. It really sucked but once I got out of the habit of putting cheese on everything or having a glass of wine or 2 with dinner, it made it easier the rest of the time to choose healthy stuff. We do too much out of habit. You have to work on breaking those habits. Don't blow your diet because you had one bad day, forgive yourself and vow to do better the next day. It is really up to you on your weight loss so good luck.Health Question & Answer

GET THE WEIGHT WATCHERS KIT!!! Follor the points system!!! I PROMISE you WILL lose the weight!!!
I lost 15 lbs. in 10 days following the points system. Join a weight watchers group near you. I promise you will see results, you HAVE to dedicate yourself to it, though. No binge-eating or anything at all. Drink flavored water when you're bored or hungry. I wish you the best of luck!!! Health Question & Answer

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