I want Bigger Arms... .. Any Tips?!

Question: I want Bigger Arms... .. Any Tips.?
Well I have a 20lb Dumbell and I plan to use it....
I am 20 and i want to get bigger arms... what type of exercise should i do.. and how many Repiticions... and if any products help maintain Energy up... I am a begginer so how do i deal with feeling lazy and with no energy while doing them......ThanksHealth Question & Answer

what you should exercise:

1) get a gym membership

2) do:

bench press
lat pull
tricep extension
bicep extension
forearm curl/reverse curl

do about 6-10 reps. DONT stop until u feel a burn and cant do any more, tho. try to find a weight where u DIE at about 6-10.

always do 3 sets of everything- UNLESS, and do this once in a while to shock the body, BOMB a body part- AKA do like 6 to 10 sets of a body part one day. that day, I would do a higher weight as well- so its like 5-8 reps each set. that will make it grow rapidly.

never work the same body part two days in a row, or else it will break down constantly and get smaller. it takes 2 days for the muscle to break down and then grow back bigger.

(triceps have 3 muscles. biceps have 2. if u want bigger arms, triceps ACTUALLY GET UR ARM BIGGER FASTER cuz its easier, and theyre bigger, and have 1 more muscle in them.)

oh yeah and work on uppin the weight by 2.5 or so every week or so. like always try to improve: either reps, or weight.


if you want energy, get:

chocolate muscle milk. drink 2x daily, once wit breakfast, once after workout

creatine monohydrate 189 pills- take recommended dosage with lunch.



1) eat a big breakfast (2 eggs over easy, a small bowl of cereal, water, and a protein shake)- breakfast NEVER goes to belly. u dont ever sleep with breakfast food in stomach.

2) eat 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) with 2 small healthy snacks inbetween.

3) ALWAYS eat the 5 food groups, and NEVER starve yourself.

4) NEVER eat fast food, microwaved food, junk food, artificial sweeteners, soda, candy, chips, ice cream, etc.

5) never eat or drink anything with "lite" or "sugar free" advertised- it WILL have chemical artificial sweeteners (like splenda, which is 3/4 chlorine!) AND NEVER CONSUME CAFFEINE, TAURINE, GINSENG, ETC.! they kill you in the long run, and make u tired, weak, lazy, jittery, and weird sounding, to name a few things.

7) get AT LEAST 8.5 hours of sleep a night.

9) you NEED to eat meat! The best kinds of meat/protein are, in order: tuna, all other types of fish, eggs, milk, chicken, steak.

10) NEVER overeat; NEVER undereat; ALWAYS eat till you are COMFORTABLE, COMFORTABLY FULL, AND FEEL "DONE".

12) When you eat food, YOU MUST ENJOY IT! The most important part of eating is to savor the food. You must enjoy it, and think it tastes good, even if it doesn't. The mindset you have of the food tasting good helps you digest it better, crap it better, and makes it give you more energy, and less of it will potentially go to fat on you.

13) This is kind of like #12, except: you MUST CHEW your food very well! The food should be COMPLETELY ground up, until its basically a squishy substance with no individual parts, b4 you swallow it. 50 chews is the average rule, but on some foods it maHealth Question & Answer

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