I'm and overweight 13 year old..?!

Question: I'm and overweight 13 year old...?
as the title says i'm an overweight thirteen year old..
can someone tell me a plan that can help me lose weight.?
thx for anyone's help..
i'm a guy btw.. 5'4.5" :(Health Question & Answer

Cut down on the amount of food you eat at each meal and start walking!! If you can, walk more than once a day. Eventually you can start walking faster, doing a slow jog, then progress to running.

All it really takes is dedication. You have to stick with it!!

At your age you probably don't have much control over what you eat, but it always helps to eat healthy. Instead of a candy bar, have an apple, carrot sticks, celery with peanut butter on them etc. also try to eat more veggies at dinner instead of heavy stuff like meat and potatoes.

Portion control, exercise and discipline are the best methods for weight control.

Health Question & Answer

Sweetheart I am sure that you are beautiful and if anyone tells you different tell them to kiss your a**. All you should worry about is being healthy. Talk to your doctor about what you need to do to get there! I'm sure he'd be glad to help.

Seriously, I wish America was more like Africa and other countries in the sense that big is BEAUTIFUL!! Our countrys thinking on weight is so twisted, we literally starve and hurt our bodies to be accepted. Be good to your body...it will thank you later when you are old and can function while all of the anorexic diet freaks are either dead or bed ridden because their bodies no longer operate:)
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