What type of food should i eat daily?!

Question: What type of food should i eat daily.?
I am not over weight by any means I've only got about a one inch of belly fat and i would like to get my abs showing,I don't want websites i would like advice from personal experience of what kinds of foods and how much daily i should eat.Health Question & Answer

Timing is extremely important in a rigorous cut cycle to achieve desired definition. At LEAST 6 meals a day should be scheduled in your diet. Each meal should be fairly equal in terms of nutrition, with a slight lean on carbohydrates (minimal carbs will help your abdominal definition) in the morning going to nearly all protein in the evening.

To calculate your daily calorie intake goal, you'll first need your Basal Metabolic Rate. This can be achieved at your doctor's office or at some gyms (trainers usually measure this at nicer health clubs). That number is the number of calories your body requires to carry out normal functions - pumping blood, breathing, etc. So, to shed fat, you need a caloric deficit. For instance, my BMR is 1900 calories; so, during cut cycles, I will vary my intake between 1200 and 1500 calories, with an extremely heavy focus on protein and strict meal spacing.

If you can get all of that down to a precise science, the foods that will help you get the last bit of ab definition include:

-OATMEAL (this should be your best friend every single morning)
-lean chicken breasts
-avocado (eat a slice or two every day, especially if you're a man, as it has prostate health benefits)
-extra virgin olive oil (make very certain that it's first cold-pressed and that it's fairly dark in color)
-high quality protein powder (watch for hidden sugar)
-eggs (nature's perfect food)
-milk (skim or 1-2% if you must)
-fish (salmon, tuna)
-low sodium cottage cheese
-unsweetened yogurt (be careful, manufacturers love to sneak in high fructose corn syrup in single-serving cups)
-edamame (soybeans)
-nuts (almonds, walnuts)

Please let me know if you have any other questions and of course, best of luck!Health Question & Answer

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