Can a person have an eating disorder that involves more eating and less throwing up?!

Question: Can a person have an eating disorder that involves more eating and less throwing up.?
I've been trying to lose weigh for a long time now and I have no will power when it comes to food. I wont turn it down. I have been very bad all my life with food. I'lle at whole dinners for a snack and the worst things you could think of. I look at my bf and he gives me those looks and I know if i keep this up he will become less attracked to me. I'm already close to 300lbs. I don't know what to do. I want to lose weight so bad, but I don't want to stop eating. I'm not rich, I can't afford these eat to lose diets. I don't know what to do. I'm so fed up with being unhealthy and fat.Health Question & Answer

Hi Jessica.

I think that maybe you need to first figure out what the underlying problem is behind your eating. A lot of people use food as a comfort...I know I definitely used to. When I was sad or depressed I used to stuff my face with food, and it made me feel better.

Maybe you should try paying more attention to the reason why you are eating...if you are not hungry, then don't eat...maybe go on a short walk instead or fix yourself a healthy snack.

Surprisingly, a lot of healthy food is not that expensive. Replacing processed foods full of fatty things with something like an apple or white bread with whole wheat.

also, eat a lot of fibers and try and become more active. Maybe walking to the store instead of driving or if it is too far to walk, just park further away so you will get more walking in.

Try joining a support group online, such as PeerTrainer or something like that and lose weight with other women in the same predicament.


Good luck! Health Question & Answer

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