I am 5'6 and I weigh 127lbs. I wanna lost about 15 pounds?!

Question: I am 5'6 and I weigh 127lbs. I wanna lost about 15 pounds.?
13 years old, boy.
Is that healthy.?.?
I want to lost it all before spring.
Health Question & Answer

Go dancing, maybe hip hop or something.? I'm definitely 100% sure that it'll help you lose weight. Maybe even more than 15 pounds. It helps minus your length of your waist, leg, arm too!

The rest are thanks to A G: (.?qid=20080630212825AAT29FU,">http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;... thanksss A G!! ^^)
1.Eat when you are hungry: because if you eat when you are full you are just stretching your stomach tissue and if you starve yourself that's when you lose muscle and your body will expect you to keep starving yourself which slows down your metabolism.

2.Take your time: when you eat fast you want to eat more because you cant tell when you are full. If you eat slow you will realize you are full when you are full.

3.Take walks and drink water: walks are a pretty easy exercise but it is still exercise and drinking water cleanses your body and if you drink a cup of water before every meal you won`t eat as much.

4.No artificle stuff: soda is horrible when your on a diet this may sound weird but especially diet soda. Diet stuff is the exact opposite of what it sounds it may have less calories but all the chemicals in it make up for that.(also an other reason people say you also lose muscle mass and strength.)

5.Abs: when you are relaxing like watching TV if you sit it a position like this your abs will burn fat _/. also slow leg lifts help too.

6.Thyroid.?:If you do not lose any weight in 5 weeks ask your doctor if you have thyroid.

Hope you reach your goal before Spring as soon as possible!!!!Health Question & Answer

Dude, you are in perfectly good shape. If you feel you need to exercise, I recommend bulking up, but not with all those pills and protein powder, etc. They are very bad for your kidneys. Just sign up at your local gym, or get some equipment of your own, and work out 2 or 3 times a week. You'll start to notice results in a couple months, but you'll really notice a change over the course of a year.Health Question & Answer

A couple of months ago I decided to start dieting again, but this time I used a supplement called Acai Berry. I think I first heard about it when it was rated the number one super food by Oprah and Rachael Ray.

I found a free 2 week Acai Berry trial at http://h8z.org/55d088 where I only had to pay a couple of dollars for shipping. It's a really good deal and I highly recommend it!

I stared taking Acai Berry and it worked amazingly well. I started loosing pounds fast. Fast forward to today and I am 32 pounds lighter than I was just two short month ago! I love this product!Health Question & Answer

just lift some weights. gain some muscle. you dont want to be one of those skinny emo kids do you.?.? gain muscle and kick some @ssHealth Question & Answer

you're skinny enough. work on building muscle, not losing weight. Health Question & Answer

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