Eating fruits with proteins? insulin levels?!

Question: Eating fruits with proteins.? insulin levels.?
Lately I have been eating mostly fruits. I keep reading (on fruitarian posts) about how you should eat something with protein if you are going to be eating so much fruit.? Why.? How does this work.? Does this mean I should eat some nuts with an apple if I am eating too much fruit that day.? I guess it has something to do with insulin levels, can someone explain this further.? Health Question & Answer

You do need some protein no matter what you are eating .. but yes, you do need some protein. Nuts are good. Cottage cheese and other dairy is a good source also (if you are trying to avoid meat). Beans are also a good source.

As for the insulin levels - I doubt that has anything to do with it. You should investigate the glycemic index - fruits are pretty low, meaning they won't cause a sudden spike then drop in insulin levels and provide a steady supply of energy.Health Question & Answer

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