I've lost 75 pounds. Why do I feel so crappy about it?!

Question: I've lost 75 pounds. Why do I feel so crappy about it.?
Ok, so back in Jan. my husband and I started losing weight together. Since then I've taken off 75 pounds. I went from 275 to 200 (as of this morning, actually). I've had both health and psychological issues from the weight loss. I've had recurrent headaches, stomach aches, diarrhea, and major hair loss. I've been to my doctor several times. Blood work is all normal. I had tests done on my thyroid..no problem there. I've had abdominal x-rays, CT scans, and ultrasounds. Nothing seems to show up. Doctors seem to think it's just related to the weight loss and will resolve once I'm maintaining my weight.

also, I've had a harder time finding clothes that look good on me since my body looks like it deflated. I'll spend the entire day shopping, only to settle on clothes that were the "best of the worst". I've resorted to go back to my old stand by--my elastic waist cotton pants (only in a smaller size, obviously). I hate my body more now, than I ever did when I was fatter. I know I still have 40 pounds to lose, and I'm hoping that my body is a lot less flabby by then. How can I get past all these pit falls and feel good about what I've accomplished.?Health Question & Answer

First of all. you are AMAZING for losing all that weight. Secondly, keep working for those 40 pounds, don't lose motivation because of your body. It seems to me that losing weight in such a quick amount of time has left your skin very elastic. I suggest lots of toning and stretching and weight excersising to help tone up the skin. Lots of sit ups, push ups, bench presses as well as your usual excercise routine will help :) Health Question & Answer

I've lost over 100lbs but did it with regular, sound exercise (cardio, weight training, and yoga) and ate a well-rounded diet, including multi-vitamins and protein shakes. I only continued to feel better, and I certainly didn't feel "deflated" or flabby.

I'm not sure what you've been doing to lose the 75lbs, but it obviously wasn't healthy or else you wouldn't be having these side effects. Please email me how you did this and I can help you.

Health Question & Answer

wow you seem like a real inspiration and im glad that you ahve done well i want o lose 70 pounds also ... please e mail me i would love to ask you questions - a 17 teen
and btw dont be sad you have done wonnderfulyour body sinply is not use to such change dont wear your self out though
you are doing an amazing job dont give up there is always light at the end of the tunnel :]]

e mail babigirl_2222@yahoo.comHealth Question & Answer

i would advise exercising more. I have noticed that there is a 5lb range that i look really great in and then when i gain more weight i don't looke "bad" or "fat" but i just don't look very good in clothes and i have to try on a million to find ANYTHING remotely suitable...this also happens if i lose a few pounds under that, but if i lose 10 pounds then i hit that point again wehre i look good. this may be where you are right now. you may be at a point where you just need to lose 10 pounds to look great! it's very discouraging i know! but keep at it you're doing great! I'm sorry that you're going through an awkward body phase but IT WILL END so just keep going toward your healthy weight and you'll get there!Health Question & Answer

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