Will i grow taller? im 4'6 at 13 almost 14 ?!

Question: Will i grow taller.? im 4'6 at 13 almost 14 .?
my mom is like 4'7, 8, or 9 shes like a little bit taller then me.. im so short! will i grow taller because im only 13.? because my dad is like 5'5 or taller and my lil 8 year old sister is almost tall as me... will i grow a little bit taller because of my dad or stay like my mom.?Health Question & Answer

You didn't give enough information.
How much do you weigh.?
And are you a boy or a girl.?

But, I tried my best to figure this out.

According to this site-

You may grow up to be 4'10

That's if your a girl

If your a boy, you may grow up to be 5'2.

But again, I dont know how much you weigh.
And try to find out your mom's real height. Because on that site I put in 4'9. But you said she may be 4'7, 8 or 9.Health Question & Answer

Hi, and yes , My friend we'll call him Bob was just like you and is 5'4" or a skoash taller. But, he always had a taste for milk 2% and trained hard on a bicycle his young life. Same age set. follow earlier growth patterns; you will have a growth spurt without a Doctors treatment if you have continued to grow since age 6 (Best starting point; even 2 or 3 inches justify you are healthy and will have a growth spurt by 17.)Health Question & Answer

Okie Look, your only 13 and you may be going on Puberty soon. Don't get your hopes down, you will grow taller when your puberty starts. It's when you will get your big growth spurt, but I must tell you it's all in genetics. Your parents don't seem tall so I think the average height you are gonna get is 5'3 or maby more if you maintain a health body. You will grow a bit taller just wait until the time come Health Question & Answer

hey ,
well .. obviously everyone will most likely tell you this , but you should grow a couple more inches . believe me , im thirteen , fourteen in november , in grade nine , and 5' 2" . my parents arent as short as yours .. but i should grow a couple more inches within the next few years .
considering both of your parents are fairly short , you will most likely be shorter than the average person . maybe you just havent had your growth spurt .. many different reasons can affect your height (try looking it up , may give you a better sense on your height) . and your still only thirteen , so no worries .
hope it helped !
byeHealth Question & Answer

It's hard to tell, you are at an age where your body is growing, so the chances are yes. However don't stress out if you don't see a major growth spurt in like the next 3 years. You could grow late or just grow like an inch. But its OK being short, you can get bus fares and cinema tickets real cheap!Health Question & Answer

you will probably grow at least a little more because most people grow untill they're about 25Health Question & Answer

I'm thinking you will. You are at the age where your body us still changing.
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