What is the effect of diet selection Based on Blood group . Does diet cause Sickness and long term diseases?!

Question: What is the effect of diet selection Based on Blood group . Does diet cause Sickness and long term diseases.?
Your blood type determines your susceptibility to illness, which foods you should eat and how you should exercise.

Your blood type is the key that unlocks the door to the mysteries of health, disease, longevity, physical vitality and emotional strength

Once the intact lectin protein settles somewhere in your body, it literally has a magnetic effect on the cells in that region. It clumps the cells together and they are targeted for destruction, as if they, too, were foreign invaders. This clumping can cause irritable bowel syndrome in the intestines, cirrhosis of the liver, or block the flow of
blood through the kidneys--to name just a few of the effects.

Blood is magical. Blood is mystical. Blood is alchemical.

Find what diet is right for your blood group
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I think the jury is still out on this one. The best known advocate of this, in the west is probably Peter J D'Adamo, and his 'Eat right for your type' series of books. Some people swear by them, but the medical profession is quite sceptical. It was reported several decades ago in a health journal that type AB's had the greatest risk of cancer, but as they are such a small percentage of the population it never made much news (unfortunate for me). Type A's are the next in line for cancer, but to be honest even the medical profession is unconvinced. Things like genetics, lifestyle etc play a much greater part. By all means try it if you want, but make sure the diet is healthy and balanced. Good luckHealth Question & Answer

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