I need to lose weight by october 4th for homecomming.?!

Question: I need to lose weight by october 4th for homecomming..?
I know this isnt very healthy.
But what if for 4 days i drank slim fast for breakfast
ate a salad for lunch and some veggies with v8 juice
then drank a slim fast for dinner with maybe a small salad.
and drank lots of green tea and water..
would that help me lose weight b4 homecomming.?
also doing taeboo 3 hours of taeboo a day.?
and 400 crunches.?
I know that sounds a little crazy but i reallly wanna look think for homecomming.
i weigh 124 lbs and im 5'3..
I know that doesnt sound like alot but MY STOMACH IS HUGE i hate it. is it possible to lose 2 inches around my stomach by then with this plan.? i know this in unhealthy but its only for 4 days.
I will also be taking fiber pills daily for my metabalizm..Health Question & Answer

It's okay to do an extreme diet for a week. Make sure you drink TONS of water and you'll help flush your system out as well.

You WILL notice a difference by homecoming but 2 inches around your waist is 2 full pants sizes which is not really possible to take off in a matter of days.

It would be more effective to drop the 400 crunches and go for a long run instead. By building your muscles underneath the fat you are making the fat stand out more prominently. You'll only lose those inches by doing cardio.

It's slightly less healthy, but may be more effective to do a detox diet instead. I did that honey, pepper, vinegar diet the week before my high school prom, drank lots of water, and looked a lot more toned by Saturday.

Good luck!Health Question & Answer

There's pretty much no way to lose two inches from your stomach in four days short of surgery. Unless you happen to be bloated now, and in that case take a Motrin and deal with it.

If you eat and exercise as you describe for the next two days, you will have no energy reserves to have a good time at Homecoming.

My advice.? Get a girdle or spanx or whatever they call it now. Health Question & Answer

Ok well that isnt very healthy at all..You need meat..Protein is what can help you lose weight.you only weigh 124 and your 5'3.? im 5'3 and i weigh 165...BUt i also had a baby.Thats not the point though.Whoever asked you to homecoming obviously likes you the way you are..I dont think you should lose any weight.Your the right weight for your height.Anything less would be unhealthy.Health Question & Answer

situps just give you muscles they wont make you thin...at least not fast. the best way is to eat healthy, dont eat fastfood and dont skip breakfast...because if you do eat crap or dont eat at all you will not keep that weight of...just excercise and dont worry about it, if you eat healthy everything will be okHealth Question & Answer

You want to lose 2 inches.? Is that what the crunches are for.? Well, you could do a million crunches, and not see any results, if you want to lose body fat, you can't spot burn. there's no such thing, you have to work the entire body, not just one spot.Health Question & Answer

I've got one word for you...SPANX.
.?categoryId=2992553&clickid=topnav_shapers_txt" rel="nofollow">http://www.spanx.com/category/index.jsp.?...
I've read that many of the big Hollywood stars use them to get the right, tight shape under their dresses. The right undergrament will take off those two inches easily.Health Question & Answer

wow you are super skinny why are u so worried about losing weight. it would make u totally unhealthy. Just buy the perfect fitting dress and you will look slimmer. If you dress well then you feel better about urself.Health Question & Answer

along with the exercise you have to control your diet too.You will be feeling more hungry.So I suggest whenever you eat just eat 50% to your desire and use water much as possible to douse your appetite.If you are to hungry eat low calorie food like cucumber.Avoid rice and oily stuff and junk food.I do not under stand as to how you forget to maintaining your health unless you get pressed on a wall.Do not play with your body weight.Your can not be huge unless you wanted it to be huge.Gaining weight is easy but loosing them is very tough.Control your food habits and be disciplined.Be focused on you weight for ever to live a better life.Health Question & Answer

You've taken some excellent steps by starting a healthy diet. A regular workout regiment should knock some pounds off of you.

I'd recommend jogging or possibly taking up an athletic sport of some sort (While not applicable for your case, marching band is an excellent way to lose weight, tan, and build muscle). Keep in mind that your metabolism also plays a key factor in losing or keeping weight off. From what I recall, your metabolism is put in a temporarily heightened state after exorcise, so eating after you are done running (or whatever) may be a good idea. Don't quote me on that though, I'm just going off of something they told us in health class.Health Question & Answer

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