HELP. Eating Disorder/real advice!?!

Question: HELP. Eating Disorder/real advice!.?
this may be long, I am sorry if it is..but I really need help. I was hospitalized 10th grade for eating disorder. i've since recovered. and now i am in 12th grade, and I think..well I dont know. I dont think I have a problem yet, because I feel in conrol. Im 17 years old, 5'5'', and 111-113 lbs. I run 3 or more miles 6 days a week, pilates 5 days a week, crunches/leg lifts 6 days a week. sometimes i do the machines at the gym. and on top of all of this, I have a 3 hour outside practice 4 days a week. but I never stop. after practice, i run 3+ miles.

and ive been sick all week and i still push myself to workout. i fainted last week, and I dont know why. I eat 1200 calories every day. thats it. but its all extremely healthy, multiple fresh fruits, steamed veggies, lean grilled boneless skinless chicken, whole wheat pasta, salads, and everything fat free/sugar free/low sodium/low calorie. i never eat anyhting bad and i never eat out.

I dont think Im that bad right now. I feel pretty much in control. I know I have irrational thoughts, but I love the feeling I have and everyone is complimenting my thinness. After my hospitalization I went up to 135 lbs, and since june of this year, I have dropped it to 111-113 lbs.

I havent had my period in 4 months though, and that scares me. but to the point, my mom made me go to a nutritionist yesterday and it f***ing sucked. it was ridiculous how they ganged up on me! and she told me i need to eat 500-600 calories more and i am not allowed to get low fat/fat free foods or skim milk. she said i need to add a fatty food every week into my diet. like peanut butter

and im not going to add more calories. i really cant do that. i cant add fat in. i cant not drink skim milk and drink regular.? what the heck! thats stupid. why wouldnt i get fat free, its fat free! i mean, im just ..i dont knowim gettin the minimum right.? i dont know..i just need advice on this, im scared.

she said im not getting enough fat in my diet, and thats why im cold all the time, and no period, and fainting lately.

this is so stressful and scary and im just pissed my mom made me go, and i just dont know. am i going over board.? i really dont think so! because i think my BMI is normal.

god im so sorry this is so long.
thank you though.Health Question & Answer

1200 Calories is not enough for the exercises you are doing. You know the swimmer Michael Phelps.? He has to eat 15 000 calories a day just to maintain his weight. (He is an olympic athlete so he's training non-stop, but there is no way you're even close to your daily caloric needs.)

Anyways I can really understand because I'm recovering from an eating disorder. I did a water fast for two weeks and passed out in school...there's more stuff than that but I don't want to go too much into to detail.

I was really obsessed with losing weight, and I always felt guilty when I ate. But the problem didn't lie within my body. It occurred because of many stresses and events in my life. So I recommend that you go to an eating disorder clinic and maybe talk with a social worker (it really does help.)

That fact that you've lost your period is really bad too. Everyday you keep going like this you're destroying your internal organs. Once you lose those there's no way you can get them back.

also you said you're sick right now, if you keep putting this much stress on your body you're probably not going to recover from whatever you have right now.

Anyways I find it interesting that you say you feel in control, because my social worker told me that people often have eating disorders because they want to feel in control of something.

Anyways, I don't want to sound mean or anything, because sometimes I can sound like that. But I just want to speak from experience, you have to let other people be in control for you for a while, and it's going to be hard but once you get through everything will be me.

Oh and as a side note to stop...if you don't already know, you're probably going to start shedding hair in huge amounts...unless that's already started.

If you want to talk or anything let me know. I only want to help because I understand how you feel.Health Question & Answer

You need iron and a little fat. I know it's hard to do but MAYBE you could try adding 50 calories at a time.? Just one spoon full of peanut butter a day to start out with.? Maybe put it on an apple slice so you won't feel as "gross".? I wouldn't go so far as to say you need to increase your calories by 500-600, just start slowly and maybe work up to 100-200 more. Maybe add some cheddar cheese... it's hard, but you're gonna have to at least try.... it's not healthy for you to skip so many periods. Try taking an iron pill every day, too... Health Question & Answer

When most people hear the word "fat", all of a sudden everyone is thinking negatively. It is commonly taught that fat is bad and to be avoided. However, that's not completely true. You need some fat to function normally, and believe it or not, there are healthy fats.

The unhealthy fats are saturated and trans-fats (found in most unhealthy foods you can probably think of). Good fats are unsaturated fats (poly and monounsaturated fats). Good fats have shown to improve joints, and you need fat for warmth. also, believe it or not, you need fat to burn fat.

A diet too low in fat decreases testosterone levels, which decreases the amount of androgens in the blood. This results in a slower metabolism, which ultimately decreases fatty acid breakdown. Lack of enough fat would explain some of the symptoms.

Even more, that sounds like a lack of sufficient carbohydrates to me. Your brain requires glucose to perform properly. Glucose is our body's most highly preferred source of energy.

Your nutritionist is right, you probably need to eat more, especially carbohydrates, and some more fat if your nutritionist believes that is also a cause of the problem. Some sources of healthy fats are fish, avocados, and nuts and seeds.

Now, to put down the myths. First of all, BMI has absolutely no correlation to body fat, so don't depend on that. For 5'5 you are pretty lightweight, so you probably should increase your caloric intake.

You really should consider dropping the skim milk, and getting milk with some fat. Organic milk would be a better choice too. also, 1,200 calories is not the minimum. It is commonly believed to be the minimum until the point of starvation, but it really varies for everyone.Health Question & Answer

I'm a junior in high school. I can relate to what you're saying. I have been hospitalized, but not for eating disorders. It was serious enough though, to become the start of an eating disorder. While in the hospital, certain medication made me gain 30 pounds, making my already down self esteem even lower. I started purging and then not eating at all. After I got out, I lost 20 of the 30 pounds and now i am using extreme means to try to get down to something I think I'll be happy with. I have less than 500 calories a day, and I try to exercise as much as I can. I feel faint most of the time, but I haven't actually passed out yet.. YET... I'm scared as well. Although I can never say this to myself, I will say it to you. You are at a normal weight for your height and what you are eating sounds very healthy to me. But maybe trying to follow what your nutritionist is saying can be helpful. You can try it out, maybe for a little while..And see what happens. You are a beautiful girl, only from reading what you have to say. You want advice, and that's the first positive step. You have gone through it all. So you know the deal. Since you are on a good path now, maybe that is the way to go.

I wish you the very best of luck. I mean it. lol
If you ever need anything just send me a message.
Health Question & Answer

wow, i really admire you! all i do is starve because i am not hard core enough to exercise so much. :(

No, i dont think there is anything particularly wrong. i think you should, however, eat more protein because your body needs it from all that exercise. do not eat so much meat, because, like you, i hate calories. not cheese either, because that makes ppl blow up. just eat almonds and peanuts and other kinds of nuts and beans that are low in fat but high in protein and fiber.

if you think that your body cant take it even with the addition food, switch from nonfat milk to 1% fat milk, yea, i feel horrible about the 1% too, but its not you that needs it. Its your BODY. If you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you should add that tiny little amount of fat into your life. hey, think about it-- you can burn it all off, right.? that's just some kind of reassurance that i personally tell myself. Health Question & Answer

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