How do you stay motivated to work out?!

Question: How do you stay motivated to work out.?
I've tried a lot of things but aI can't seem to stay motivated. I REALLY want to lose the weight but it's just so hard to get myself on the treadmill. If you need to know things about me, to help here they are:

I'm a student
I'm only 16
I love shopping (but can't fit into normal sizes)
I would very much like to meet my favorite actors(actresses)
I love accessories
I'm African American, Native American, and Portuguese.

What's a good way for me to stay motivated to work out.?Health Question & Answer

Hi! I'm also a 16 yr old girl trying to stay motivatated to loose weight. So far i've lost about 4kg ( not a lot .. but im getting there!) by making myself both a long term goal and a short term goal. an example of a long term goal is saying.. Next year I am determined to make it into school's running team or if I loose such and such amount of weight, I will buy myself a new skirt ( sometimes parents are great when setting goals where a certain item is wanted ) and short term goals include going for a run for atleast 4 days this week or somethign like that.

I also have posters of celebs I admire ( who look happy and healthy) and my ideal goal weight number drawn on paper and bluetacked all around my room. also get some reeally good music to listen to whilst exercising ( on treadmill or outside) or position your equipment infront of the television. That way you are more inclined to get on it... knowing that you won't have to miss certain programs.. and youll also feel so happy for yourself that you acctually did it!

Hope this helps :D good luck!Health Question & Answer

well what I do is that i have a pair of jeans that used to fit me, they dont anymore so it's like my goal pants. So i'm determined to fit into them again. And I also think of what size I want to be and it just motivates me knowing that each day i do it is another day closer to achieving it. :)Health Question & Answer

you could watch E!, or the hills or whatever show you like, on tv while your on the treadmill and post a picture of some model/actress you would like to look like on the wall in your room.Health Question & Answer

To loss weight you need to learn how to prepare yourself metally. Infact we need to do some metal preparation in everything we do in life. No single person can succeed in life without having the right metal attitude first, which also applies to you battle against fat.

It is very possible to loss weight as quick as you can imagine and I am sure you know that. But the challenge is keeping off the pounds and inches. And I am sure you know to achieve this you need the right metal attitude and patience . I have seen so many people try to keep off their fat in the past but the most successful ones among all are the ones who have the right metal atttitude right from the onset.

For a quick and effective weight loss I recommend the following tips.

1 : Hang around the right people : In our journey to succeed in life we need the right people to help us loss weight and keep them off from coming back. You need to hang around people who believe the cup is half full and not the pessimist whose cup is half empty. This method applies to every facet of life and not weight loss alone. Recent research shows that a

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