What are foods that people think are healthy, but they're not?!

Question: What are foods that people think are healthy, but they're not.?
I want to diet.
and heaps of people eat the wrong foods because they don't know enough about them.
I know that muesli bars are terrible for you even though people think they're good because they have muesli and fruit in them.
anyone know of anymore really BAD foods to eat.?
Help.? Health Question & Answer

As someone else said, most natural foods consumed in moderation are healthy. Most food bars are junk in that they have too many carbs/sugar or the protein is made from collagen which our bodies don't absorb well when consumed. Additionally, lots of low fat foods
substitute sugar for taste, so the decrease in fat/calories is deceptive compared to what effect they have on fat storage.

One issue to consider is nutrient density. Many cereals are touted as heart healthy because they have little to no saturated fat & they contain fiber. Problem is, most of the cereals manufactured by Post, Kellogg's, & other brands are loaded with sugar, which itself is not heart healthy. The meager amount of fiber doesn't negate the sugar content (each gram of fiber blunts 1 gram of other types of carbohydrates, such that your body secretes slightly less insulin- which can be a fat storing hormone). Likewise, bagels & muffins aren't that healthy compared to other sources of fiber. Fruits with equivalent caloric/carbohydrate content would offer more nutrition via phytochemicals that fight cancer & such.

With that said, fruits can be unhealthy when consumed in *massive* smoothies. We can't physically eat as much liquid as we can swallow. Additionally, liquid carbs are absorbed twice as quickly as solid carbs, causing a more rapid insulin spike (increasing the likelihood that they will be stored as fat).

The best things tend to be the closest ones to their naturally occurring state.

To add to what has been written, yes, I think having 5 apples (22 grams of carbs per medium apple) & 2 carrots (8 grams each) would be too many carbs for most people in a single sitting. Altogether, that would be 126 g of carbs, which could act like much more in its juice state. That's over a third of the RDA for carbs (300 g) from a single smoothie. Good nutrients in those foods, but too many carbs (& perhaps fiber) in a single shot, possibly contributing to diarrhea & consequent malabsorption of what you just consumed. If you exercised intensely, you might be able to handle around 60-80 carbs in post workout meal without gaining fat.

Here's a good start: a hand sized portion of meat (assuming you're not vegetarian), a medium apple, & a 7 in carrot or hand sized equivalent of broccoli crowns would be a balanced meal. That would give you adequate protein, fat, carbs, fiber, plus a multitude of vitamins, minerals, & phytochemicals. Never consume carbs on their own; always eat them with protein & fat. Balance your meals to include sufficient sizes from every food group.

There are portion strategies that can help you without putting in much effort. Instead of 3 meals a day, you could break them into 5 small meals a day, getting the same nutritional benefit while lowering the likelihood of storing some of the calories as fat. This lowers overall insulin secretion & makes it work more efficiently.

Shopping in the right sections of the store can give you good food ideas. The periphery of the store generally has the best real foods (fruits, vegetables, meat, chicken, fish, cheese, yogurt, etc.).Health Question & Answer

SlimFast shakes and bars. The bars' first ingredient is sugar - not something that will help you lose weight. All pre-made protein shakes also contain soy.

So I have to say it - soy. It's touted as a health food and it is NOT. A lot of women feel tired and their doctor's chalk it up to menopause, when really the soy in their diet is hurting their thyroid and making them tired. It happened to me.

Bread and rice and potatoes - okay in moderation but too many people base their diet on these things and become overweight as a result. Some get diabetes. I no longer eat these rice or potatoes and 100% whole wheat bread only once a week.Health Question & Answer

moderation is really important.
make your portion sizes smaller and eat more frequent through out the day.
A lot of people think Nuts are really good for you, but a very small amount of nuts has A LOT of calories in it. You would be surprised. also Granola cereal... its like 350 calories a cup with out milk. So watch out for those.
also dairy products like cheese. Cheese is really bad for you, really fattening. Don't put cheese on your sandwich you'll be saving 140 calories for not putting on 2 slices.
and drink skim milk if you drink milk.
Best of Luck! :)Health Question & Answer

If used in moderation there are no bad foods. MODERATION is the key there...Health Question & Answer

This is a great question. Soy is probably number 1 on the list. What they don't tell you is that soy beans contain goitrogens which MUST be fermented before eating. Asian countries eat fermented soy foods like tempeh and miso and they eat roughly two teaspoons of soy per day not truck loads as we all think. Plus they also eat a lot of ocean foods like fish and seaweed which contain iodine . This would counterbalance the suppressant effect on the thyroid. The thyroid of course controls our metabolism and our ability to burn calories!

Low fat foods are unhealthy. Your body has a great need for saturated fat and cholesterol and contrary to popular belief there is actually no documented studies out there that prove the correlation between saturated fats and cholesterol to heart disease.
Regarding weight, if you go to the supermarket, you will notice a whole array of low or no fat foods but all the DIET foods contain no carbohydrates or sugar. This is because sugar which also comes from carbohydrates is turned into fat at a faster rate than any other macronutrient (protein and fats). The food industry is well aware of the fact that fatty foods are NOT the culprits. All farm animals are fed only grains for a few weeks before slaughter to fatten them up. Pigs given skim milk as opposed to whole milk will get fat.

Cholesterol is vital! Without it you die and when levels drop low enough you get sick. Our livers have an enzyme which controls the rate of cholesterol production by our bodies. Meaning, if we halve our intake of cholesterol containing foods, our liver senses this drop and immediately increases the production of cholesterol by our bodies. The more cholesterol containing foods one eats, the less the body has to produce and vice versa.

Cholesterol lowering drugs (statins) work by blocking this enzyme so when you lower your food intake of cholesterol, your body is unable to produce the rest that is needed and this results in lower blood levels which evidently causes a false security of lowering your risk of heart disease.

Too much fruit. The fruits these days are all hybrids and bred for size and sugar content only. Most fruits are picked unripe when their nutrient contents are low and are then later gassed to ripen them. also, fruits contain a sugar called fructose which is metabolised differently than other sugars. It is sent straight to the liver where, if not immediately burned for energy will turn straight into FAT!. This is well documented. Look it up search fructose/dangers/fat...and you will find quotes like this:

"Research from the National Institute on Aging (NIA) in Baltimore, Maryland, shows fructose is more lipogenic (fat forming) than any other sugar or starch. "

Low Carb diets. also not very healthy. If carbohydrates are restricted to a low enough level the body produces ketones which makes the body very acidic which is what happens to diabectics when they overshoot their insulin requirements. This is an emergency. Ketones are produced as a result of incomplete fat burning and are used by the central nervous system as a "back-up" fuel when sugar levels are low. You are not actually burning fat, because sugar is needed to completely burn fat for energy in cells. This is a fact.

Keep it simple and have everything in moderation. Even alcohol. Don't vilify the fats and know that eating them won't make you fat. I believe its the other way around actually.Health Question & Answer

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