Why is the media telling me I should be a skinny wimp, when I'm educated, strong and healthy?!

Question: Why is the media telling me I should be a skinny wimp, when I'm educated, strong and healthy.?
I thought we were in days of women being independent and liberated, but then I see the media and they seem to be promoting women to be skinny wimps. I quite like my body being strong and healthy as I weight train and do martial arts. I like to try and eat the right things with all the right oils. People are always complimenting me on my nice skin and hair. I'm not fat and I'm not skinny either. I'm a bit confused about all the images I see in the media as if women are now supposed to be liberated and independent, how is being a clothes horse who doesn't do much more than walk up and down a catwalk something I should aim to be like.? Should I be more proud of nearly finishing a law degree while being strong and healthy, than some dumb chav role model celeb who hasn't done much more than sleep with a footballer, and why do people want to spend their money reading the boring drivel of those twats.? If having lots of money is supposed to be the most important thing, maybe I should sell drugs or my body to be admired.? Do people who admire those people for being rich from there being enough idiots in society to spend their money on their rubbish, think saint like people who help others for nothing are scum.? Why can't there be more role models of people who can do more than just sleep with a footballer or act like a slapper or clothes horse.? Health Question & Answer

However bad dieting may be for many people it is a hugely profitable business..the less you sell the customer the more he or she will pay for it..and big business rarely gets a bad press. As for the models; girls of thirteen and fourteen who are being trained in a lifestyle that will kill them early is easy news-paper filler..and the designers do not want people to look at the models in the first place..hence the lack of expression on the faces of cat walk models, the uniformity of their hair-styles and makeup..there are there to walk the clothes down the stage and back again and the lines of a dress show better when there is not a lot of fabric involved..so skinnier is better.
I am inclined to think that there is also a large degree of anti-femenism at work here... why else would girls be encouraged to use up their time and energy on impossible diets in order to achieve what, at best, is a worryingly child-like look .? Nor are many men really attracted to these females..they are attracted to being seen with women who are fashionably shaped and dressed however..but a large number of them tend to grow out of this when it comes to choosing a life-partner. The sort of man who really wants his girl-friend or wife to look like a starved child and to talk like someone who can barely read or write..well, he ought to be checked out very carefully before being allowed to date anyone.
We are breeding a generation of women without ambition or physical stamina, women who will suffer from heart disease, bone thinning and infertility but who will feel satisfied so long as they have a man in their lives and their beds and who will argue fiercely that they have a right to do all of these things to themselves if they want to. They do,sadly, have that right and it is to be hoped that the existence of other women who are healthy, educated, ambitious and fertile will get us past this stage eventually.Health Question & Answer

I think its becuase we're so affected by the fashion media, and these days the biggest and best brand names and fashion designers are men, who have an appetite for other men. They design clothes for people who attract them, thats why models are so stick skinny and have NO CURVES.. To kind of look like men.
Haha thats what I think.Health Question & Answer

If you're educated then you'll know not to listen to everything in the media and just be your own person.Health Question & Answer

Honestly, you shouldn't let that get to you ... I advise focusing your attention on other things. Health Question & Answer

The woman who won America's Next Top Model last, was a full figured woman named Whitney. Not all of the idols are stick thin and dumb. If you feel that those are the ones youre supposed to be like, maybe you should just love yourself. If youre healthy theres no reason to lose weight, and if youre smart people will love you for that.

I really think you should stop comparing yourself to those people. Health Question & Answer

I agree totally, I try my hardest to escape the media influence, I don't have a tv and don't buy those magazines and yet still seem to be surrounded by those images. Even what were once serious newspapers like the times and guardian now have 'showbiz'/'celebrity' news stories about people like Peaches Geldof - who gives a s***.? I'm a recovered anorexic/bulimic and it feels as though no matter how hard I try to ignore them the images still make me feel like crap for being a size 12. I don't care what people say eating disorders are mostly caused by this trend as I have been through it myself and know lots of other girls also. Looking at more normal sized women like Beyonce and Scarlett Johansen definitely makes me feel better. I wish the women that were admired were admired for being clever or doing something worthwhile.
Its sad that whereas a decade or two ago school girls aspired to be lawyers and doctors, now according to surveys a large proportion most want to be famous/glamour model.
I have nothing against people who are really beautiful like Keira Knightley who appear to be nice people and not into the whole celebrity thing.
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