Whey protein question. Should I? or shouldn't I?!

Question: Whey protein question. Should I.? or shouldn't I.?
I have been exercising for the past 3 months at the least 4 times a week. Mostly only cardio, specially on the last month I have been jogging in the morning for 40 min to 1 hr long. I weight 150 lbs. I been trying to lose weight. And although my weight remains the same, I noticed differences in my body that I am really happy about. I eat healthy as much as I can and I drink plenty of water. also, I drink 2 cups of green tea a day for weight loss. Now my question is, should I start taking whey protein.? a friend lost a lot of weight from taking it and I know I am way much better disciplined than her in these things. What do you think.? I am a very active person, and I do feel sometimes I need some sort of extra support/ help.Health Question & Answer

Generally whey is used for putting on muscle. More muscle mass helps you burn more fat and you have to start paying more attention to your body fat percentage than your weight due to the fact that muscle ways more than fat. Since you are noticing the physical differences, I would say that you are probably losing fat and gaining muscle.
The whey does not in itself burn fat. If you really are eating healthy, I say don't worry about the whey for now. Your friend was probably just blessed with a different metabolism than you. It happens. Stick with what you are doing now and try to add some weights into your routine. It will help.Health Question & Answer

Take the one by Optimum nutrition best out there. And its mass gainer that helps build muscle whey is basically a meal replacement and incorporate it into a 6 meal a day diet probably once or twice per day. One scoop per drink should be good. If you don't know about the 6 meals every 2-3 hours then your diet is not probably the best cause this diet is proven time and time again to work and its not a fad diet and go to bodybuilding.com for more info it helps a lot.Health Question & Answer

whey protein is a great idea and it should definitley help you out alot. i drink whey protein and it is great. go right on ahead and congratsHealth Question & Answer

The best thing about Whey Protein, is that its absorbed quickly by the body compared to consuming other protein based foods(ex.Meat)...best to take it after your workouts for muscle tissue repair.Health Question & Answer


Whey Protien is a muscle gainer really. Not a weight loser. It is loaded with protien which will help you gain muscle wieght but if you do not excercise and do cardio but still take Whey Protien it will make you fat. It all depends on your body type too. If you are skinny and want to gain lean muscle then take Whey Protien to help gain muscle mass. But if you are trying to lose wieght don't take Whey Protien. The best you can do is cardio and working out. I noticed you said you still wiegh the same but noticed differences. Are you using the same scale.? Because you should have lost wieght after 3 months of doing what you have been doing.Health Question & Answer

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