Hi i weigh 149 pounds and im 13 5'3 any advice how to,lose weight?!

Question: Hi i weigh 149 pounds and im 13 5'3 any advice how to,lose weight.?
Please read i totally understand you just by your question.Ok you dont gain weight by not working out its what you eat that makes you gain weight. Working out helps you lose weight...(with that in mind)like seriously you can still eat what you want if you don't want to change your diet.(its hard for me to change my diet considering my parents buy the delicious grocery menu so i was forced to think out a plan if i couldn't change my diet) If you eat something a little fatty than work out and work out harder than you ever would or at least a little more. Working out adds up. It takes consistency, lots of hard work and dedication. I pretty much have the same problems you seem to have, i weighed 140 Im 5'2 and now i weigh under 110. When you first start to work out it may seem hopeless because its not easy. But seriously everytime you work out its totally burning fat. Work out every other day and dont give up. When your about to give up(cuz you'll want to but that doesnt mean its ok) just think of what you want and that'll give you drive. I needed a drive and I figured out I get inspired when i watch Americas next top model because they all have thin frames. I dont want to be skinny skinny like them just toned and flat lol. Just find something that suites you, like the Ultimate fighter or UFC. There are some buff fighter dudes and its totally exciting to watch so maybe that can be your drive. Just check it out if you dont already. If you do decide to change your diet try to go natural like nature intended. Eat lots of raw veggies and fruits. I know they say you shouldnt spot train but i did and i dont regret it. I focused on my stomach and my arms because they were the most bothersome to me. Now i work out my entire body because it got easier after a period of time. You'll adapt to your new lifestyle trust me. You have to take it seriously if you want achieve your goal. Working out releases endorphines throughout the body endorphines is a chemical that is made to make you feel better, i suppose it makes you feel better when your burning fat. Its like a natural depressant. Life is a lot better now so i encourage you to do the same and have a happy, confident life. So good luck dude!! :) Health Question & Answer

some ideas:

-start exercising more often.
-drink more water (8 glasses a day!).
-walk or bike to the places that you'd normally bus or be driven to.
-try to eat less junk food, and eat more fruits & veggies.
-be creative & learn to like healthy cooking! experiment with recipes. try to get your family involved with your goal of healthy eating.
-become a vegetarian.
-join a sport with school! (not only is this a good way to get a workout in, but who knows.? you could really like a sport & not even know it yet!)
quit drinking pop(soda) or any kind of carbonated beverage. (this means diet, regular, most flavored waters, etc.) instead, drink water or 100% fruit juice!
-try to eat balanced meals instead of skipping meals & eating one big meal. this will help speed up your metabolism, which will make you lose weight. =]
-don't weigh yourself often! we often think we've gained weight when really, it's just fluctuating due to water weight & bloating. so if the scale tells you something you don't want to hear - don't freak out. use how you feel, and how you look as a measurement of how healthy/thin you are becoming.
-don't stress over it. you're 13 - your body has so many changes to go through yet (it sounds corny, but it's true), and as you get older - you'll naturally lose some of your baby fat as you go through puberty. so, really, don't stress too much over this.

and honestly, don't even worry about dieting or restricting calories - just try to recognize your unhealthy habits & change them for the better. good luck! =]Health Question & Answer

if your 13 you could join a sport and if you dont want to do that you could go out side to play a game like football or something and if not that just change how you eat, lay off the chips, snacks and cokes. and eat tuna or chicken or peanut butter and drink nothin but water. and every night before bed do some crunches and push ups, i guarantee you'll lose weight. Health Question & Answer

Dude - you need to diet - not starve yourself but eat sensibly.

For that it will be easier if you go to a dieticiaen. BTW - i lost 15 kilos by stopping carbs in every form at night, drinking diet cokes, and fruits ( in the day only - no pineaplle, mango, custard apple, chikoo, grape and banana ) Health Question & Answer

Greetings, it is well publicised that fad diets fail over 90% of the time. I propose that you mosey on down to http://is.gd/3rSL its an excellent website with lots of free help and advice. I ditched 7 pounds in three weeks by taking their advice Health Question & Answer

You could skip suppers and eat smaller dinners. Breakfast calories are the least fattening as you burn them up with most of the day ahead of you.

Make sure you don't under eat as that can stunt your growth.Health Question & Answer

Do not strain too much to lose weight. Avoid junk foods and eat fat free foods. And walk two miles a day - these are the simplest tips to lose weight.Health Question & Answer

Take lemon juice on morning when you get up its good for health too you may lose your weight slower with no side effectsHealth Question & Answer

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