Is eating like this healthy?!

Question: Is eating like this healthy.?
exerciese 45 min
breakfast cottage cheese low fat with fruit
lunch fruit with cheese low fat sandwich
snack yogurt
dinner rice and beans with veggie
dessert icecream cup worth

is that healthy meal of calcium protiens and fruits and veggies and all that Health Question & Answer

it sounds like your on the right track, but you definately arent eeating enough calories. you need to generally eat between 1800-2000 calories a day in order to maintain a healthy metabolism.
also, you arent eating enough grains or veggies.
if you would like help creating a meal plan for yourself, id be happy to work with you and help you get healthy and eat the right foods.
good luck!Health Question & Answer

Well you eat a bit to much cheese, try a different protein because cheese really isn't the best protein and it doesn't have as much as actual meat. Try low fat turkey low fat peanut butter. A better calcium is nonfat milk instead of yogurt, and it makes you fuller because its obviously more of a liquid than yogurt and yogurt does have some properties like sugar and sodium. So a glass of milk is way better for a snack. You only had one serving of veggies so I would definately replace the fruit at lunch for a veggie and replace the ice cream after dinner for a fruit. And you weren't specific enough. Like what bread did you use for the sandwich.? Make sure to use whole wheat bread, not even if another bread is diet because it may be less cals but it will still put more fat on you. And what fruits were you eating. Some fruits are healthier than others. Berrries have the least sugar which is good since fruits have lots of sugar and Bannanas have the most sugar. So try to go for berries. Make sure your veggie is a green leafy sort (those are the best kind) like spinach, asparagus, salad with no dressing, ect. Make sure your eating brown rice and healthiful protein beans. Try not eat the ice cream and you need at least an hour of physical activity a day.

You just need to make minor changes but overall your doing okay, but making those changes will make it great! =) hope I helpedHealth Question & Answer

i highly recommend this program that i used
i lost 94 pounds fast and it has stayed off.
its very simple and you still get to eat.
check it out
http://loseweightfastneasy.cjb.netHealth Question & Answer

You need something to up your calorie intake. And start taking vitamins. With a diet like that your depriving your body of necessary nutrition. Health Question & Answer

I would say up your intake a bit... maybe add some snacks in between meals and/or add some things to your meals. other than that it looks ok.... maybe could use a little more protein....Health Question & Answer

you don't have enough cheese fries in your meal...cheeseburger salad.Health Question & Answer

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