Is this a healthy diet and exercise programme?!

Question: Is this a healthy diet and exercise programme.?
8:30am - 2 weetabix with semi-skimmed milk [200 cals]
1:30pm - Small jacket potato with baked beans and apple [450cals]
4:00pm - Half a homemade cheese and ham sandwich with semi-skimmed milk [300 cals]
7:00pm - Basmati rice with lentils, low fat yoghurt and a few slices of fried aubergines [650 cals]
7:30pm - Fruit salad [250 cals]

That's 1850 calories today, and i cycled 10 miles which burned off 250 calories atleast. Then i did 15 minutes of sit-ups, press-ups etc. which probably burned off another 50 calories. That's 300 calories burnt off minimum.

I usually eat around about 1600 calories, and if i stick to a similar diet, will i see myself gradually losing weight.?Health Question & Answer

Foodwise, it all sounds good. Youre not restricting yourself which is a good thing.
With the exercise, it doesn't matter how far you ride. Just make sure you've got your heart rate up for at least 30mins. Any less, and it's pointless.
Every few weeks, vary the workout a little. You know.? Maybe run one day/walk/row etc etc. After a while your body gets used to the same thing all the time.
Good luck!
xHealth Question & Answer

Exercise 30 minutes a day, and eat wholer healthier meals, and include all the food groups.
Most people think eating less, means weighing less but thats not totally true.
Eating less could mean eating more unhealthy, that's not a good way to lose weight.
Avoid greasy foods, and eat more vegetables, grains, and pastas.try some salad during
lunch or at night, and some protein food for breakfast,that'll work Question & Answer

This is by far one of the most informative website on the net on this topic . Myself I am a professional weight loss specialist , and I still get a tons of useful information from this website You really should have a look Health Question & Answer

Hi! I'll tell you what I'm doing that is working rather well for me!
Fresh fruits and veggies! Meats like boneless skinless chicken breast, turkey breast, ground turkey, and fish! Multi grain bread, whole wheat pasta and brown rice. Fat free plain yogurt with fresh fruit and a small packet of splenda to sweeten it. My calorie intake is 1200-1500 calories a day, I work out about an hour a day. I eat no fried foods, no junk food, no sodas! I drink only water, in fact I try to get in over 100 ounces of water a day! When shopping make sure you read the lables very carefuly just because it says its fat free or lite it may not be the best choice of all based on the sugar, sodium, content. This is what has worked for me I have lost 60+ pounds in the last nine months.Health Question & Answer

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