Is there a nice way to ask your girlfriend to lose some weight?!

Question: Is there a nice way to ask your girlfriend to lose some weight.?
I workout all the time and very hygienic, and I always dress good for my girl, but it seems she is not even trying to look after her physique (she can joking around here). And I'm becoming less attracted to her. So my question there a nice way to ask my girlfriend to lose some weight.? She doesn't have to be miss America or anything I'm just talking about 10 of 15 pounds.

Guys do you know what I'm talking about here.? And girls whats the best way to approach her about this.? Thanks in advance...Health Question & Answer

her feelings are going to get hurt and she's going to get pissed at you if you tell her flat-out that you want her to lose weight and you don't think she's attractive anymore (i mean, listen to how this would sound in your head - totally disrespectful, right.?).

as her boyfriend - she's counting on you to help boost her self esteem, not totally damage it by doing what a lot of guys do - criticizing the way her body looks.

try to send small hints. for her birthday, or christmas - buy her a piece of clothing that she's wanted for a long time - but in a size too small. find some excuse to do some kind of active activity with her (although nothing that screams "weight loss!"). for example - go skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling, hiking through the woods, etc. instead of eating out, cook her a "romantic" (and coincidentally, healthy) meal. make comments about how you like when she takes care of her body, tell her that you think eating healthy & working out is sexy.

if none of this works, and you still want to date her - tell her that you wish she'd take better care of herself, tell her that you're concerned about her health. DON'T use the words "fat" or "lose weight" - i can guarantee that NO girl wants to hear those words from anyone, let alone her boyfriend. and if all else fails, what more can you do, but break up with her.? you can't help that she doesn't know how to take care of herself & that you're not attracted to her any longer.
good luck & i hope things work out for you. =] Health Question & Answer

Well, I dont think there is a really 'nice' way to say you need to lose weight.

Maybe ask her to go on walks with you, or jogs and go do exercise together and make it a regular thing that you guys always do.

also when you eat together or eat out together, convince her to always go for the healthiest thing and maybe even cook her some healthy things every once in a while..

Maybe even tell her to go aerobics class with some of her friends or dance class, etc

Or maybe say instead of you need to lose weight, say you think she needs to have a healthier lifestyle or something like that .?

But good luck with it !Health Question & Answer

Do not tell her she's fat and do not bring atractiveness into it. She will probably get offended and become defesive/hurt.

Tell her that you care, not about her looks, but about her health. After all if she was healthy, she would be eating low-calorie meals and working out and would inevitably lose weight. Tell her that you are worried about her wellbeing, and that you are worried she may get sick, and you love her too much to see her hurt health. If you approach it this way, l think she might take it better and feel more positive about changing her behaviorHealth Question & Answer

Invite her to work out with you. If she does not want to, then suggest she get exercise in another form and that she should maintain a healthy diet. Make it clear to her in as nice a way as possible that her physical attractiveness is important to you. If she is unwilling to listen to you, then maybe she is not the right person for you.

Whatever you do, do it with sensitivity, try to assure her that she has no reason to lose her self-esteem -- you don't want her to develop an eating disorder.Health Question & Answer

Honestly theres never an easy way to tell anyone that they dont look good, especially girls because some try really hard but in ur case oviously she is not trying
Approach her and sit down with her and tell her that u dress up and u like looking good for her but u feel as though she doesnt do the same, tell her that u try hard to look good for her then tell her that u would appreciate it if she would dress up or try loosing some weight,and tell her that u r feeling more unatractive to her and she will get the point,
i wish u the bestHealth Question & Answer

this is a hard question but i think i have a trick that might work.
here it goes.
lets say a special occasion is coming up like ur anniversary and you buy her a really nice dress BUT you bought it a couple sizes too small accidentally and you really wanted to take her to a nice place with the dress. and you cant take the dress back b/c you dont have the receipt or you bought it a while back or something like that....if you do it right then shell try to loose weight to fit into the dress. she doesnt know that you want her to lose weight plus she looses weight. hope it helps.Health Question & Answer

i know what you mean, i had the same thing with my girlfriend. just make sure she knows that you still love her and that you want her to take care of herself. and if you want to trick her, just say that you might be putting on some weight that you dont want and ask her to work out with you, that way she benefits from it as well and it can be a relationship builder.Health Question & Answer

Depends on where you are in the relationship. Just be serious, don't be mean, sit her down and say something like "While I still care deeply about you blah blah, my health is important to me and it worries me that you seem to be letting yours go" i dunno, you get the gist. or you can start calling her "my little meatball"Health Question & Answer

well it depends on how close u are in a relationship you are. you can tell her that your'e sick of her being lazy.. i mean i know it's not easy.. girls get self consiece so easy.. take her to the gym with you.. tell her that it's unhealthy to not exercise... then of course she's going to say are u trying to say i'm fat.. of course you have to disagree there and say no, babe.. you just need to start exercising and stay healthy.. once she starts she'll like it.. she needs to get exercise vid's to do with her gf'sHealth Question & Answer

Hold her on her fattest part( not boobs or butt) without cracking a joke. jk that's the last thing you want to do!!

edit:I was 110lbs at 5'2 athletic, he made me have an eating disorder, that was 2 years ago.

BTW People who gain weight in a relationship it's because they're in love and that's an understatementHealth Question & Answer

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Tell her upfront. If she can't handle your honesty, look for another girlfriend.Health Question & Answer

no there is not a nice way to tell her to lose some weightHealth Question & Answer

tell her woman can handle it blunt in reality, because a man that doest hat is a man u should walk away from if he cannot take the heart into consideration. from the man that is supposed to be attracted to her so greatly...its a huge slap...imagine if ur girl told u bluntly that ur penis needs to grow lol...the woman's figure is like ur penis size in how y'all obsess over u wanna handle it delicately... tell her honey, uve gained a bit of weight since we have been together and if you could loose just a little bit of it that would be great...i still love u regardless but ive kept myself in shape for u....she might get upset but that is because of so many feelings about herself and thinking u might be a bit mean...tell her that u will help her out if she needs n e...and that ur just concerned for her health.Health Question & Answer

Yes, there is a nice way.
Actually, there are nice ways..

1. Tell her you're concerned about her health, too much is like too little, they both hurt, they both matter.

2. Remind her how to healthy.

3. Invite her to work out with you. You do it all the time, so bring her. You can also use this as bonding time with each other. "Compete" so that she'll try hard.

4. Go to a check up wit her, so that the doctor can tell her and not you, if you can't really come up with a line.

5. You can just be honest to her that you're losing interest because she's eating and eating. Don't be mean that you don't like fat girls.
Tell her that it's like the only thing she does, and you need other things. Tell her you do your best for her, and she just doesn't give anything back.

6. Ask help from her friends because no matter how they say it, they're cool. That's how girls are.

Just accept her. Be polite, but be honest.
Hope I helped. :]Health Question & Answer

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