Health nuts: Do you ever feel like giving up eating healthy sometimes? Also, is there anyone who has never?!

Question: Health nuts: Do you ever feel like giving up eating healthy sometimes.? also, is there anyone who has never.?
eaten anything unhealthy.? I mean, take someone like Paris Hilton. She is so slim and rich that it seems like she has never eaten anything unhealthy. Finally, what do you do to maintain this lifelong goal of staying healthy.? Please answer all questions. Thanks.Health Question & Answer

Yea I'm a yoyo-health nutter lol
Sometimes I go through periods where I'm a complete health nut and others where I'm a complete pig. But personally I find it doesn't make much of a difference as long as you exercise. Of course if you're a model or if you're really body conscious it would be better for you to eat healthy ALLL the time just to make sure you are in top shape, but if you're not I don't think it really matters! I mean a little meat won't hurt now will it.? :)Health Question & Answer

There is nothing wrong with eatting unhealthy food, and everyone does sometimes, the key is to have self control and only eat it on occasions in small proportions. If you are active and eatting healthy a little treat now and then is not going to suddenly make you gain 10 pounds, it is when you frequently eat that way when it becomes a problem. There are also lots of wonderful food that is healthy and tastes great!Health Question & Answer

Errr...Paris Hilton probably isn't that healthy.

Plus, models smoke cigarettes to stay skinny, so not everyone who's skinny is healthy, but also not everyone who is average sized is healthy

Personally, I eat amost everything I want, BUT I exercise 5-6 days a week on a treadmill to burn off the calories.Health Question & Answer

I feel like eating unhealthy all the time, I get jealous of unhealthy eaters filling their faces with cholesterol, saturated fat and empty carbs.

I maintain the goal by forcing myself to workout everyday, buying only healthy foods at the store (no temptations at home), and enjoying the view in the mirror :)Health Question & Answer

Hi there, I found my health and nutrition equilibre and I am happy about it as I got a great personalised slimming program, based on sole healthy food. As for Paris Hilton, it is not true that she only eats healthy food as slim people are not necessary healthy too. Here is my source: Question & Answer

keep your diet balanced, try to get a variety of foods that have different nutrients that they offer, and its ok to eat something that is not the best for you every once and a while just not all the time. Paris Hilton probably doesn't eat anything at all, or eats really small amounts and has a trainer, when you have that much money its easy..........exercise on a regular basis helps to.............GOOD LUCK!!Health Question & Answer

To tell you the truth I should be aiming for healthy :/ As a matter of fact i'm eating a chocolate right now. But concerning weight I think it's how one's body works, i'm slim and i'm not necessarily a "health nut". To help balance it out there's exercise.Health Question & Answer

Greetings, it is commonly acknowledged that diets fail over 90% of the time. I say that you mosey on down to its an excellent website with lots of free help and advice. I ditched 5 pounds in six weeks by following their helpful advice Health Question & Answer

actually I really enjoy eating healthy I've been doing it all my life and after you do it for a few years mcdonalds and everything else starts leaving a bad taste in your mouthHealth Question & Answer

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