My mom calls me fat and is ashamed of me, what can I do?!

Question: My mom calls me fat and is ashamed of me, what can I do.?
My mom gets really upset with me sometimes, saying I'm not a perfect daughter and that I need to lose weight, she encourages me to run with her everyday, and packs a very small lunch for me (which I didn't used to eat..I used to buy a lunch at school..more about this later) and basically puts me down. She refuses to buy me clothes until I'm a perfect size so I have to do it with my own money.

THE THING IS, I'm not even fat. I'm 5,9 160lbs, and I'm a normal size. I checked the BMI thing and it even said. However I am so stressed out over this, I feel so insecure about myself because of the things she has said like how my thighs are too fat, my stomach is too flabby, so I've actually started dieting in an unhealthy way, and I know I've lost weight (this has been going on for 2 weeks) my mom has taken a notice and is telling me to kep it up..

I don't know what to do, I feel really bad, my stomach hurts, I don't have as much energy and can't jog as far as I used to, so what should I do.?


Health Question & Answer

hmm well we're the same height and pretty much the same weight... altho everyone carries their weight differently (i'm a happy 7/8) i'd bet all the money I have that you aren't even close to fat... esp since you're a teen. Your mother needs to realize that she's hurting you and your future. I really feel for you because the world puts enough pressure on you as it is and you shouldn't have to deal with it from your family as well.

As for the actual weight... if you dont' feel bad about it or feel like you're fine then try to ignore what she says. I know it's easier said than done but what else can you really do.? If you really want to try and lose weight then tell her to buy you healthier foods that taste good! And as long as you're active and getting some exercise in I don't really know what else you can do. If you don't want to run then just walk for 45 minutes a night, but don't ever push yourself too hard. Stress is horrible for weight loss.

Check out, sign up and use the daily plate... or maybe the calorie count site. Ugh I just feel so torn giving you weight loss advice because it's really not what this whole issue is about but I want to help you on both sides of it.

Your mom needs to love you for who you are. It'd be one thing if you were obese and hurting yourself... but you're healthy. And if your eating disorder got out of hand and you were seriously medically hurt.... she'd regret all of these negative things she's saying to you. I don't know what happened to her to make her think that self worth is based upon what you look like... but that cycle needs to stop. I battled with anorexia and bulimia for a really long time... and even at 25 i still struggle with it and wish it could all be easier.

Whatever your choices are... be healthy and love yourself... or try as hard as you can =) know that the lowest you could probably be and still be healthy is about 130 (Idk about you but I look like an emaciated scarecrow at that weight... been there and done that!) And even if you wanted to do that...the maximum weight per week you can lose healthily is 2 lbs per week. And that's if you did extreme calorie restriction. Always remember to eat at least 1200 calories a day or your body will go into starvation mode and try to hold on to everything.

You are not your weight. You are sooo much more. If you didn't read any other words I said read those. If you need anyone to talk to feel free to mail me.Health Question & Answer

Go back to eating normally, and yes, still run, that will make you stronger. But don't go on unhealthy diets, because obviously, its unhealthy! Talk a a school counsler or something, or Ignore your parents when they say the stuff, act like you didn't hear them, take no notice of it (This is if nothing works and they don't understand)\

And obviously Dianna did not read the question Health Question & Answer

Okay well it sounds like your mom is trying to totally control you and shes too old to be perfect she figures so she thinks she needs to live through you and you need to be perfect. You are slighty overweight maybe by about 5 lbs, but a mother should never be that rude to her daughter and say such hurtful things! I would like to see how perfect she is!Health Question & Answer

aww im SO sorry thats so mean of ur mom!!!!!
well just eat healthy i used to have A ed. Uh lets see it alot of veggies fruits salads for breakfast: cereal [[special k and syomilk]] or an oatmeal snack
lunch [[salad]]
after school [[cereal or something healthy like a fruit veggie]] and drink at least 2 bottles of water dont eat after 6:00 at 6:00 i excersie i run do sit ups and dance to songs to wrok my abs.Health Question & Answer

If you can't jog then walk faster than normal walk. Good luck.Health Question & Answer

OMG that is just like me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Health Question & Answer

Its a shocking thing for your mom to be putting this pressure on you and speaking to you so rudely about your body shape and size. Any teenage girl is already so self conscious of all the changes we go through in this time. She wouldn't like it if you harped on to her about her wrinkly skin and saggy breasts, that's not the point, however the fact that she may be responsible for causing you to have an eating disorder is disgusting. I lost a friend at school to anorexia and it was horrible for her and everyone around her. Perhaps she isn't aware of how much she is hurting your feelings, maybe print off your question and all these answers and leave it lying around somewhere for her to find, perhaps then she may wake up to herself. Health Question & Answer

if you are not comfortable with what you're mom wants you to do,
the best thing to do here is open up your feelings to your mom,
she should be the one who will encourage you, not discourage you.

i know she will realize that what she thinks no longer matter now, its what you feel about this. i know you're mom loves you so much and she will understand that.

don't keep the pressure. it will just be worst if you continue going on diet, that even sacrifices your health.

and please don't feel bad about your self because you will really loose lot of confidence, and that alone will eat you alive.

know why.? because there are some people who will use your weakness to fail you.

hope this enlighten you somehow..=)Health Question & Answer

Okay, first of all, your mother should not be ashamed of you. Yeah, so maybe she happens to be the star athlete in the world and has the flattest tummy all around. But does that automatically make you be the next Ms. I-am-6-feet-and-I-only-weigh-80-pounds.? No, it doesn't. People shouldn't think that just because a mom has a perfect body, means her daughter has to have one too. And a mother should NEVER be the source of making you insecure. If the slutty girls at school aren't even doing it, your mother SHOULD NEVER, NEVER, NEVER DO THIS.


160 pounds is very healthy for someone who is always running and happens to be 5'9", so chill!

That brings me to the third point. You don't have to starve to become skinny (which you already are, but we are listening to mom right now, aren't we.?) You can, however, boost up your metabolism. Think about what you ate at lunch today right now. Let us suppose you ate an apple, a turkey sandwich, and then a bottle of iced tea. If you want to boost your metabolism, divide that lunch. Which has the most calories.? The sandwich, of course. So we can divide it into 2 pieces. Now we have a four piece lunch. Eat the apple first, and then sit around for a while (possibly 20-30 minutes before moving onto your sandwich. If you have a tight lunch schedule, eat this before official lunch begins.

Then eat the one piece of the sandwich. Like before, wait a good amount of time before eating the second piece. While you are eating the sandwich, occasionally drink your iced tea in between bites. This should make your body think that you are more full than you really are, so you won't have an upset stomach bothering you all the time to eat, eat, eat.

This is just a method of making digestion faster, so you can gain less weight (IF you gain weight, but I suppose not since you run all the time.)

My fourth point: You can NOT live on an empty stomach. EVER. Studies actually show that girls who starve themselves tend to weigh more than girls who have a balanced diet. Why.? Because the things they eat are so little, the body begins to make use of the parts of the food that normal bodies classify as "waste" or "unnecessary components." So every time a skinny little girl who starves herself eat just a tiny, tiny bit more than what they usually eat, their bodies blow up because it is accustomed to take in all the little bits and pieces.

Therefore, eat a healthy and balanced meal. Just eat healthy foods and drink slim/nonfat milke and you will be on the way to becoming the "ideal" girl that your mom has been yearning for.

Remember: healthy meal, no problem. Feeling insecure about weight, divide your food.

I hope I was helpful. Good luck to you!

Best wishes..

A Health Question & Answer

That's terrible how you're accused of not being a perfect daughter because of something as trivial as weight. And I agree, 5'9 160lbs is average. Above all, you need to stop dieting because it's been proved countless times that it doesn't achieve anything in the long run anyways. I'm going to assume that you're between 14-18 years old, if that's the case, you need much more than what your mother is packing for you. It sounds like she's breathing down your neck! At the very least, ask your mother not to be so critical if you are to exercise with her as it will only hurt your self esteem, and that will be more visible than the rolls on a sumo wrestler.Health Question & Answer

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