I am serious about losing some weight. I need very good help!?!

Question: I am serious about losing some weight. I need very good help!.?
Ok , I am a 13 year old girl. I am Obese. I am 182 Pounds. I am 5'6. I am sick of not being healthy! I would like to Know of any websites that are free that could help me with healthy foods and excersises. I am a picky kid. I don't like many toppings like Mayonaise. I only like Ketchup. Lol.... So It's not like I add alot of stuff. I am serious about this. I would like to start looking better. So if you have any good Healthy snacks ad Recipes for things please tell me!!! Thanks. Oh and what kind of excersises should I be doing.? How long of stuff to!Health Question & Answer

Yahoo Health has really helpful tips on how to lose weight and what types of food you should eat and what kind of exercises you can do. Since you have a good bit of weight to lose (no offense), the first couple of pounds will be easy to lose. Try joining an exercise class at the gym and start off going to at least one four times a week. Then after that gets easy, start going to two. If you can't afford the gym, just go walking or jogging. Stay away from fast foods. If that's your only choice, go with a salad. You don't have to stay away from sweets, just eat them in moderation. Be open to new foods. Exercising will be hard at first, but just think about the future and the results you're looking forward to.Health Question & Answer

Walk everyday for 2 weeks, then speed walk every other day for the next 5 weeks, then see how running works out every other day for the rest of the time. At the same time, eat a balanced meal every day, including and especially breakfast. But remember that it's all about portion control. Eat several small meals throughout the day if possible. handful of nuts, fruit in mid afternoon, 1 piece of chicken, 2 crowns of broccoli, you know...portion control is the key. Next thing you know..you'll be running and not have to worry about what you eat! good luck!Health Question & Answer


If you dont have gym equipment or cant go running/walking than go into your room, shut the door, turn on some music and dance the calories away. You may look stupid but dancing is the best cardio and you wont get bored with it! Health Question & Answer

Eating 5 - 6 times a day is ideal. These should be small meals between 300-400 calories. Drink at least 90oz of water per day (water helps with everything)

Honestly - diet alone is 85% of keeping your body in shape Health Question & Answer

Diet and exercise is the key. There is a free site that I know that provides all kind of tips and recipes. It seems to be pretty good. Give it a try:
Health Question & Answer

i highly recommend this program that i used
i lost 94 pounds fast and it has stayed off.
its very simple and you still get to eat.
check it out
http://loseweightfastneasy.cjb.netHealth Question & Answer

Hey Comedy Queen, Good for you!!! My daughter was in your position about a year ago when she was 13. She is 150 now! She tries to stay away from soda pop and junk food. She loves it but it does not seem to love her back. Here is one of her secret weight loss tricks. For one month, try to cut back or eliminate the following foods from your diet:

White bread, white rice, white potatoes, french fries, corn chips, pretzels, bagels, sugary drinks like soda pop, pizza, lazagna and stuff like that.

Instead, eat more fruits and vegetables, brown rice, whole grain breads, lots of water or unsweetened drinks, lean meats like chicken (no skin), fish and turkey. Nuts like peanuts, almonds and walnuts are good as snacks as well as low fat mozzarella cheese sticks. Get some turkey slices to snack on too.

For exercise, find something you like to do that will keep your body moving for at least 30-40 minutes per day. If you like it, you will stick with it. Most people go for a walk. Maybe find a friend or a relative that will walk with you.

Some of her favorite web sites are:

Teens Health

The SparkPeople Solution for Teens
The Health & Fitness Destination for 13- to 17-Year-Olds
.?id=930" rel="nofollow">http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/moti...Health Question & Answer

good for you girl! read what im about to right and i guarantee you you will lose the weight.

first of all. you need cardio. Cardio excersize are not "muscle building" excersizes. Cardio is walking, running, jogging, swimming, jumping, and sprinting. These are the first types of excersizes you do to lose the wieght because these literally burn the fat off your body.

I would suggest walking and or a slow jog at first. This doesn't have to be long or intense to start off with, try a half mile at first. If you can't jog it then walk it. It doesnt matter what type of intensity of the cardio you do, as long as at the end of your workout you are sweating, out of breathe, and can feel your heart pumping and working hard, you are burning the fat, along with strenghting your endurance. So remember that! However, do not push yourself to the point wherre you are about to throw up because that is baaaad.

The last thing you need to remember is variety. Try and start off doing cardio 3 times a week and then increase it, however you dont always have to do the same type of cardio. One day you might want to jump rope, or maybe go for a jog in a different part where you dont usually jog. If you do the same thing everyday it will get booring. Make sure you have music, music is deffinitly a motivator

also, as for dieting. As long as your doing the cardio, you dont need to cut too much out. Cut out the junk foods and deserts. But keep it realistic, allow yourself to have one desert a day because well, life wouldnt be worth living without delicious foods. Just dont stuff yourself. dont eat when your not hungry, or bord. Drink lots of water, and get lots of sleep. Remeber that the human mind has so much power that it can takeover the body, so if you want somthing bad enough you'll get it.

and one more thing, remember pain is weakness leaving the body!Health Question & Answer

Congratulations on wanting to get started. By the way, did you know that per ounce, Ketchup has more sugar than soda! You gotta watch those calories that are hiding there that you think are harmless, but add up. learn to like mustard!!!

Okay, the best site I recommend is www.bodyforlife.com

It has sample meals and exercise plans. You'll have to change it up a bit to account for eating during school, and you may have to get creative on some of the exercises. The basics on the exercise is you need to do some cardio, but you need to do some strength training to tone the muscles, speed resting metabolism, etc.

Another great site for the science of diet and exercise is;

Get all the knowledge on diet and exercise that you can and you will start to make good decisions.

Good luck to you and keep us posted on your progress.Health Question & Answer

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