How long does it take for muscles to heal after working out and do they grow bigger during this period?!

Question: How long does it take for muscles to heal after working out and do they grow bigger during this period.?
How long does it take for muscles to heal after working out and do they grow bigger during this period.? also should I be doing any cardio during this period.?Health Question & Answer

Well, it depends exactly what muscles you are working out, as no muscle recovers the exact same time. Your bigger muscles and muscles that you use everyday tend to heal and recover faster (Calves, glutes, hamstrings, quads, lower back), and your smaller muscles recover slower (Biceps). The soreness that you are experiencing is a buildup of lactic acid in your muscles. The absolute best way to alleviate and dissolve the lactic acid in your muscles is to pump oxygen to them, and the best way to do that is Cardio. However, if you are trying to bulk, which it sounds like you are, make sure you bump up your caloric intake and have lots of protein. And don't over do it on the cardio (2 miles at moderate pace is fine, 3-4 is a lot, and anything over 5 will guarantee you won't bulk up). Remember to give your muscles plenty of time to recover, as muscle isn't built in the gym, it's built in the bed and in the kitchen. So make sure you sleep at least 8+ hours (Sleeping releases Human Growth Hormone) and you eat like a beast! Health Question & Answer

It takes the muscle tissue about 48 hours to heal after a workout, and that is the time during which the muscles grow. When you are lifting, you are essentially making small tears in the muscle tissue, and it is the healing which builds more tissue.

You can do cardio on your off lifting days, but if you are going to be working your legs, you need to keep in mind that they need a break, too, to heal and build.

That's why people who want to lift every day usually rotate muscle groups. That means nothing is working every day, and it gives time for stuff to heal.Health Question & Answer

im pretty sure the only way to grow muscle is by working when you are done and not toning up they are not growing, and yes cardio is great his helps your muscles relax it takes about a day or two but keep working out in that time but pace yourself give your body a hard days work then a soft day if its an everyday work out or even switch from different body parts in the week like monday wed. friday work lower body and tues. thurs sat upper and sunday treat yourself to a treat for doing so great!:) how ever you want to plan it:P:)Health Question & Answer

it take about 48 hours to recover completly from a hard training of a particular muscle.when you workout in a gym your break the muscle tissue by lifting heavy weight but it is not a bad thing.when you rest then your muscle recovers and grows bigger then before.

if you don't give your body enough rest then your body don't make that muscle bigger but instead it breaks it down more.we call it overtraining.the biggest mistake a body builder does.
yes you can do cardio with weight training but after you workout not before.because before training if you do a lot of cardio then you body starts circulating blood all over the body and when you lift weight then you don't get your muscle pumped that much which is bad for muscle growth.but if you do cardio after weight training then that cardio is going to burn only fat which is good.when you workout heavy your body uns out of glycogen which is a source of energy to lift weights and then if you do cardio after then there is no glycogen in your body left that you can use so your body uses fat for energy.

but when you are done with your gym and going home you have to drink or eat something that is high in sugar(glycogen)because then all the sugar or glycogen is going to go straight to your muscle which is going to help you lift weight the next day and it is also help you burn fat.but if you consume sugar any other time of the day then it that sugar is going to make you fat so only after training hard have anything that is high in sugar may be a white rice,potato,cantalope or any sports drink tht is high in sugar.

when you lift weight your body needs extra calories so you have to eat a healthy diet that is high in carbohydrates and protien but avoid to much fat.but your body needs fat too.if you are not going to eat any fat then your body is not going to burn any fat it is how our body works.

i will say lift heavy weight or no more than 30 to 45 minutes and after that do just 20 minutes of this 4 to 5 times a week.that's it.lift very very heavy but dont take to much time in the gym .wormup your muscles nicely before lifting.

eat about 3000 calories on your training days and eat about 2500 calories on your non training days.most of your calories should came from carbohydrates and protien but eat some fat to.

i hope man it works for you.its easy keep it up.Health Question & Answer

muscle grows when you are resting. muscles usually heal in about 24 hours. so variate your target areas on different days. don;t overtrain yourself. cardio is good especially if your looking for that athletic look instead of the big buff weight lifter look. integrate cardio into ur rutine.Health Question & Answer

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It depends upon your diet and personal rate of recovery.

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You can tell when your muscles are swollen... Wait about 2 days and go back at it...Health Question & Answer

1 to 2 days usually
yes if it hurts it dose grow but not THAT fastHealth Question & Answer

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