Tips on how to lose weight ?!

Question: Tips on how to lose weight .?
I have been trying to lose weight for quite a while and have managed to lose some, but not enough.
Some of my friends think that I don't eat enough, but if I wasn't eating enough I would be thin, which I am not.
I exercise regularly & have been cutting down and watching what I eat.
What else can I do .?

Thanks in advance.Health Question & Answer

Not eating properly won't make you thin.
You body will start to think that you are starving yourself therefore it will send signals to the brain to help keep onto as much calories possible. I suggest you eat normally, but in small portions 4-5 times a day. This will help you rule out snacking and make you less hungry.
also, whenever you DO get hungry try drinking some water, half the time you think that you are hungry you are actually thirsty.

EDIT : Your dizziness is caused by lack of food, if you keep this up soon you won't have much energy left and fall ill. Start eating properly again and keep in mind that becoming 'thin' is going to be a lifestyle change if you don't want the weight to pile back on again.

Hope it helps.Health Question & Answer

It is common for people to think that weight loss is entirely based on how much you work out but it is actually the other way around. Yes, you need to exercise to increase or just keep your current muscle mass, but 75% of weight loss is DIET. What you put in your mouth everyday will dictate how effective any exercise is, so make sure you are taking in as few "white foods" as possible (dairy, sugar, bread) and try to replace them with lean proteins (fish, chicken, beef). Don't worry about calories, when eating a diet of meat and veggies, you will be good to go. also try and stay away from any artificial sweeteners, carbonated beverages, or anything that comes from a package. It is simple advice, but it will help you lose weight and be a happier person in the long run, I promise.Health Question & Answer

I would say, make sure you do eat enough for energy, because otherwise your metabolism will slow down (to keep you alive) and you burn off calories slower. Just eat reasonable amounts and try to cut out saturated fats where possible, and foods with loads of sugar. Try to exercise moderately for a while because you will burn off more calories than if you do vigorous exercise in small bursts.

also, remember you might not be getting thinner because bits of fat are turning into muscle instead :)Health Question & Answer

A healthy reduced calorie diet, and daily vigorous exercise would work amazingly well. In your case if it is not having the desired effect, this is because your getting the balance wrong. Weight loss is a simple input and output balance, if you eat more calories than your body burns up in a day, you'll gain weight. To lose it, it's less in, more out I'm afraid.Health Question & Answer

When I was in a self conscious state about a year ago, I got down to like 7 and a half stone from about 8 and a half in about a month by becoming vegetarian, drinking lots of water, eating smaller meals and exercising regularly.Health Question & Answer

Check out the South Beach Diet, it has worked great for me. South Beach incorporates protein, whole grains, fruits and veggies as opposed to white flour, sugar and processed foods. On this diet you eat until you are full! Google it. Its great. Health Question & Answer

well to lose weight you needa eat health foods(low carbs,lots of protein, and vitamins) and you needa jog,stretch,and workout.But eating health foods and watching what you eat should do the trick.Health Question & Answer

Try to eat only half your normal portion during some weeks.Health Question & Answer

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