How do i manage my weight without exercise or calorie counting?!

Question: How do i manage my weight without exercise or calorie counting.?
I am 15 years old male and am 5ft 5inches and weigh about 130 pounds, i was wondering how i can maintain a healthy weight without exercise or calorie counting, will a balance of healthy foods help prevent too much weight gain, obviously i need to grow taller so i obviously need a lot of energy, thanksHealth Question & Answer

how about paul mckenna's i can make you thin.... it does work and yet its so easy...
just follow simple rules.. when you are hungry (when your actually hungry, not cos u are bored or upset)

2.Stop when you are full (when you are starting to feel satisfied, stop eating as it takes 10 minutes for your food to hit your stomach. so if you continue eating for 10 mins after feeling satisfied, you are gonna feel stuffed and bloated by the end) consciously (sounds obvious but alot of people just shove food down their necks as quick as possible without actually realising it. you need to be aware of how you are eating. put your knife and fork down inbetween mouthfuls and chew every mouthful. you begin to enjoy some foods more and others less purely down to taste and texture. try counting 20 chews per every mouthful, after a while it becomes natural)

4. eat what you want, not what you think you should. (if you tell yourself you can't have something then it is gonna make you want it more. that way if you do eat something you think you shouldnt you won't have to punish yourself by eating more like some people do!)

if you mess this up then don't worry about it, just try it again with your next meal. its not a diet its a life style. its how thin people eat!
also if you feel hungry, drink water inbetween. 90% of the time our body misinterprets thirst as hunger. also have a drink with your meal.

try leaving a little bit of food on your plate. as its not a crime. and try smaller portions. if you are still hungry after you finish then get something else to eat.

don't count calories with this or weigh yourself for atleast the first 2 weeks as you can put on pounds and take them off due to many factors... and counting calories would defy the rule of eating what you wanted!

also try doing at least 30 mins of moderate exercise a day.... like a brisk walk into town or to a park or something.... its just good for your body as it will keep it functioning better.

you will lose weight without the exercise part by following the rules, but personally i think just 30 mins a day is nothing..... and it doesn't have to be a tough workout, just light exercise!

good luckHealth Question & Answer

If you feel you are putting on too much weight, eat less, if you feel you are losing too much weight, eat more. As a 15 year old however, you should be active, if you don't want to bother with exercise but you manage to maintain a healthy weight, there is every chance that you are more unhealthy then an obese person who does exercise. It isn't all about how you look on the outside, whether you are big, average or small, you can't see your muscle fibres or internal organs. Being over or underweight brings certain health risks, being inactive brings even more health risks.Health Question & Answer

Healthy eating is obviously a very good thing. But why the reluctance to exercise.? I am wondering what you idea of "exercise" actually is.? If you equate exercise only with Gym work outs and weight lifting, then no wonder you are not enthusiastic!

Exercise take on many many guises. Its about improved fitness levels, being ACTIVE and healthy. Move! You don't have to engage in specific set sessions of specific, targeted "exercise" to benefit.

Things like walking briskly, cycling, roller blades, skate board, vigorous dancing! Team sports (anything you ENJOY) Not only will all forms of exercise help your fitness levels, it helps burn up calories!

Best of luck. Health Question & Answer

Lots of energy to do what.? You're not getting any exercise.... To lose weight you should go on a 40 minute walk every other day or so and stop eating any food after 7pm. In addition, if you cut out everything you drink except water, you will lose weight as well....up to 7 or 8 lbs in a month if you are serious and stick to it. You don't have to count calories but also don't be stupid when it comes to picking food. Cut out as much sugar as possible and if you are dying for a snack inbetween meals then eat some popcorn (with the least amount of butter/salt). If you can manage to do those few things I guarantee you will start seeing weight loss in about 2 weeks. And it will continue as long as YOU continue to follow that plan. Most 15 year old kids though can't stick to a plan for more than a day or so without cheating "just this once" and that's why they stay fat.Health Question & Answer

you know, i'll give you some advice, from experience..
im a 16 yr old female, and ive noticed that i maintained my weight best, and felt most happy with it when i played a sport that i found fun.. you might not like the 'exercise' part, but the thing is, that you dont even notice it an effort cos you enjoy it so much.

dont bother calorie counting.. such a waste of time.
just balance things out you know.. like eat healthy - it'll be for your benefit only:) , and if you do do this, and put in the effort, you'll see results. but, have what you want, just balance it, so if you eat enough food that'll give you energy for the activity youve gotta do, then it'll be burnt off anyway, cos u didnt over do it.


oh, and as you say, you will be growing, so you can get away with a fair bit of this anyway, try having energy rich foods, but healthy options, to avoid weight gain. like rice, or oats with banana and honey for brekky. Health Question & Answer

ok well 1st find outu what is your calories diet. afterwards chose one of the folowing:

if you want to maintain weight stay within your calorie diet and excerise as well

if you want to gain weight eat over your caloire diet

if you want to lose weight, burn off more calories then you eat. (i usally just run on the treadmil because it tells me how much calories i have burn.

if this doesnt work go on google and type theres a website that can really help you outHealth Question & Answer

Three words: Watch your diet.

It's not exactly watching calorie intake, it's as simple as steering away from sweets, fatty and highly processed foods. These food types help you gain more weight which will all the more facilitate weight gain.

If I were you, I'd go vegetarian! :-)Health Question & Answer

If you do not want to exercise (which would help a lot) you should stay clear of sweets, sodas (a lot of calories!), the bad stuff.
To take it to the next level, stay clear of dairy products if you really want to be healthy. Health Question & Answer

get a grip and do exercise!! Its how you maintain a healthy weight...along with a balanced diet of yummy fruit an veg.Health Question & Answer

and eat more vegetables, grains, and pastasHealth Question & Answer

go to www.trimandtrendy.wordpress.comHealth Question & Answer

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