Is it normal to feel muscle sore after weight training ?!

Question: Is it normal to feel muscle sore after weight training .?
it lasts till next day , is it normal or am I doing something wrong .?
Are there any ways to avoid the muscle sore after weight training .? I am close to 3 months into fitness and I heard stretching exercises are good after weight training, but I never did it. Can anyone emphasize on that point how it helps .?Health Question & Answer

Yes.. Muscle sore is considered to be OK, but at the same time, it is indicating how your body adapts , the type of the exercise you did, the method, the outcome of the exercise and the last : Your diet.

There are two types of sore loosening regimen : food or diet and another type of aerobic exercise include stretching and or yoga and Pilates.
The sore comes in two ways: lactic acid concentration and metabolically undigested yet during the exercise (an aerobic) or it's a minor injury. But lactic acid is a common factor since not everyone knows how to work wisely with their own body and metabolism.

Analyze how the sore of your muscle comes. If it is only too much undigested lactic acid concentration, then take a soft jogging in treadmill for 30 minutes or more, or nice swimming, then take nice and long stretch (yoga or Pilates). And end your exercise with plenty of water and or juice. It should help.

Avoid fried food and heavy meat consumption if You don't want to experience muscle sore and fatigue on and on.Health Question & Answer


Stretching does help your muscles after work outs. It prevents strains.

When you work out, your body breaks down your muscle tissue. This is good because it then works to rebuild it again even stronger with protein (this is why there are protein bars and shakes available) Health Question & Answer

Remember, No Pain=No Gain. Kill yourself.
Stretching helps stretch out the muscles so you don't get cramps, it's more for like getting a cut look.Health Question & Answer

yes, shows that u worked out really really wellHealth Question & Answer

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