P90X Questions; Please Help; The more answers the better?!

Question: P90X Questions; Please Help; The more answers the better.?
1. How much money will be spent on diets .?

2. During the P90X can I just not eat ANY CANDY, ICECREAM, CHIPS, etc.. and just eat as much protein type stuff as I can afford .? Will that be suffient enough .?

3. Do you have to do Cardio + P90X .?.... Or is the yoga in P90X ENOUGH CARDIO to still burn that belly roll .? (It's a smallll roll, very small. I'm athletic and fit, just with that TINY roll over..)

4. When I'm done P90X, can I do it again and again for years to come .? ... How about if I switch it around, but keep doing it .? Why or why not .? (muslce confusion still any good.?.? haha.)

5. Would you even reccomend P90X .?

6. What kind of dumbbells are required for P90X .?

7. I'm buyin it off of Amazon, it says full set... so does it come with bands .?

8. What else will I need .?

Thank you all for your time.Health Question & Answer

No N,

OK let me see if I can answer your questions....

1. How much money will be spent on diets .?

My Answer: No extra money will be spent on diets, although I have found it is more expensive to eat healthy (go figure!)

2. During the P90X can I just not eat ANY CANDY, ICECREAM, CHIPS, etc.. and just eat as much protein type stuff as I can afford .? Will that be suffient enough .?

My Answer: No, I recommend eating as close to the nutrition guide as possible. Although I will say I know of people who have followed The Abs Diet while doing P90X.

3. Do you have to do Cardio + P90X .?.... Or is the yoga in P90X ENOUGH CARDIO to still burn that belly roll .? (It's a smallll roll, very small. I'm athletic and fit, just with that TINY roll over..)

My Answer: No, there is plenty of cardio in P90X. Plyometrics will have you gasping for air. Trust me! If you want to get even more ripped, there are people who do additional cardio in the morning on the days that they have resistance training. This is also apart of the doubles program.

4. When I'm done P90X, can I do it again and again for years to come .? ... How about if I switch it around, but keep doing it .? Why or why not .? (muslce confusion still any good.?.? haha.)

My Answer: Yes, some do three, four and even five rounds of P90X. There is also P90X+ that's available as well.

5. Would you even reccomend P90X .?

My Answer: 100% Yes, just be prepared to get your but kicked and get in amazing shape.

6. What kind of dumbbells are required for P90X .?

My Answer: I have created a page that has exactly what you need to get started with P90X. See the source box below....

7. I'm buyin it off of Amazon, it says full set... so does it come with bands .?

My Answer: Probably not, but I can't say for sure. See the source box below.

8. What else will I need .?

My Answer: Again see the source box below... First site is my P90X site. Second site is my blog that talks about my experiences with the X.

Hope this helps,
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