How can I avoid my parents realising?!

Question: How can I avoid my parents realising.?
Before anyone answers, can I make it clear, that I've thought about this and I know it's not particularly clever, and I don't have an ed or anything at don't want negative comments.

How do I avoid my parents realising I'm fasting for as long as possible.? They're already on guard because I (stupidly) made it fairly obvious the last time I was (6 days) and got hospitalised because of it; obviously I don't want this to happen again.

Any suggestions.?Health Question & Answer

Ignore these people telling you to tell your parents and it's not heathly, etc, etc. With them food is ruling them. They can buy so much food whilst others can't because of poverty, etc.

if your parents ask why you aren't eating say things like "I'm not hungry", "I'm not well", "I ate at (Mall, school, friend's house)", tell them it's for charity or a project. Or you are making a fresh start by cleansing the body and soul.

Answer mine.? I really want to loose weight and no one is giving me helpful enough answers.
.?qid=20081004150131AAA5nyz"> Question & Answer

you're very silly, and are attention-seeking. TALK to your parents (or any other adult you can trust) about what is REALLY bothering you.

WHY are you fasting.? You will make yourself ill, and end up in hospital again. With your record, the next time you may very well be put into a Psychiatric ward (believe you me, you really wouldn't want to be there) or a department that deals with Anorexia. You say you haven't got an eating disorder, and that you ate OK when you were in hospital before. That suggests to me that you are unhappy at home. Why.? Things can be sorted out if you TALK to someone.

By starving yourself, you'll be perceived as being a petulant, manipulative and selfish child. Your choice.Health Question & Answer

And here's ANOTHER person wanting to become anorexic.
For goodness sake - you've already been hospitalised once and that hasn't taught you a lesson... Just wait until you fall seriously ill and can't get out of hospital for a long time, who's going to be regretting this then.?

The weight won't stay off forever.. and you can't starve yourself forever either, why don't you stop being an immature little child and grow up - for once do what's best for yourself.Health Question & Answer

Sorry - but which part of not eating for 6 days and ending up in hospital indicates to you that you *don't* have an eating disorder.?

If you are fasting and it is not religious - then you do have an eating disorder... you aren't eating at all.

Open your eyes.

These celebs that are skinny don't starve themselves... they have dieticians and personal trainers and surgeons and medications.

Starving yourself is just tacky.

I seriously suggest that you go and say to your mum that you don't want to eat and get help before you end up like this: Question & Answer

Listen, lad, you should delete this question while you can.

There's no way anyone is going to give you an answer you'll like. It would be a serious breach of the site's rules. Check it out yourself - anything that might be harmful to minors is forbidden - and this question definitely fits. Health Question & Answer

I think you may be in denial. Why would you fast 'for as long as possible'.? Is it the control or is there another reason you're doing this.? It's really not healthy but I would like to understand what's going on with you.Health Question & Answer

instead of being so childish...why dont you go on a healthy diet.?
wtf you will put the weight straight back on when you start eating again, you cant starve forever
Health Question & Answer

>< exersize and eat healthy!! stop fasting. itll screw up ur metabolism and ull be in pain!Health Question & Answer

Get help and stop putting your parents through this worry.Health Question & Answer

sorry but this is wrong whats your parents tel no so i can call themHealth Question & Answer


I don't know what you mean by "I don't have an ed"...Sorry. Anyway if you mean you have an eating disorder, not fasting for religious purposes, you do need help. I know the time for fasting just passed for Muslims, and it was Ramadan the other day, but I don't think that's the issue at hand. I'm really not trying to give you a negative answer, but if you're anorexic, you do need help..It's terrible to deprive your body of the food (energy and nutrients) it needs! I feel terrible if I don't eat for a couple hours...It's truly unhealthy, and you could kill yourself continuing like this from malnutrition. Try talking to a school nurse, parent, close friend or call a hotline.

-Good LuckHealth Question & Answer

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