So. about pulling this off.?!

Question: So. about pulling this off..?
ok. so. I want to be toned. arms, abs, and legs. but of course keep my butt and boobs. I know it will take time. and I do not have access to a gym
I have access to running, small hand weights, exercise ball. and the basics. no exercise Equipment
currently I am doing 8 minute arms, abs, and legs. as well as running every other day and going on a long walk each day in between. any other advice would be great
I am following the meal plan that I got from my dietitian (I am in recovery from an eating disorder) so I have the food thing down.
I am 5 feet 8 inches and weigh 158 lbs. the lowest weight I am allowed to be is 140 lbs.

so any advice would be great!!

thank you!!Health Question & Answer

if you have a medicine ball, just do a sit-up while holding the ball in your hand and each time you go back, dont let your back touch the ground, and touch either side of you with the medicine ball. that will get you killer, well rounded abs.

good luckHealth Question & Answer

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