Weight/anorexcia problems?!

Question: Weight/anorexcia problems.?
i am a 00 or 0 or sm x sm but i still dont have a flat stomach and i have huge thighs and i am self concious about my weight. i eat orange juice for breakfast and lunch but then hugely binge for an afternoon snack and dinner. can you help.?Health Question & Answer

i am the same
try to eat a light salad for lunch
and then a small apple after school befor you get home
also, everyone says it but i never beleived it till i tried it, eating breakfast does make you lose weight! cause it kickstarts you metabloisam. so lots of carbs for breaky, but i aviod fat at whatever cost i can.
so anyways, after the apple, once you get home, brush your teeth asap and then chew some gum and drink water. disract yourself.
with dinner, i try to always be the one to cook it. that way it is low cal. look up good low cal recipes online, and try to do 20 mins of cardio about an hour after dinner, and dont eat after 7 pm.
do yoga in the morning.
LUCK!Health Question & Answer

Okay I hate to break it to you but you sound like you do have anorexia. I know because I had it when I was in high school. No matter how much weight I lost or how thin I was, I felt fat and thought every part of me was big. I bet your "binge" is like nothing. Even if it is, you can eat 2000 calories per day and I doubt you are reaching that at all.
A size 0 or 00 isn't fat and there is no possible way your stomach isn't flat or your things are huge. Part of anorexia is body dysmorphic disorder, meaning that you don't see the way you actually look when you look in the mirror. You have an image in your head and a paranoia that you are much bigger and it feeds the problem.
Eating disorders have little to do with food or body, but more to do with control and emotional issues and/or mental issues like anxiety or depression. I know that too. It is most often control.
You seem to be aware that you may have a problem and that is the first step to healing. I urge you to get into a doctor and a therapist. If possible someone who knows about this and doesn't just tell you to gain weight, but also tried to deal with the underlying issues. It took me two years to gain 20 lbs (but that was from 96 lbs making me 116).
I know how hard it can be to feel thin enough when you look at models and magazines. But the facts are that real women have curves; real women don't wear a size 0. It is okay to be real and normal and most of all HEALTHY!!
Anorexia can in fact kill you. It can send you into cardiac arrest (heart attack) due to malnutrition. I am not trying to scare you, but you need help from a professional and you are ready for it since you asked this question.
Good luck and be well and remember that you are beautiful and to love yourself.Health Question & Answer

ok, you're way too small to even think about losing weight. just control your eating--don't starve yourself and then binge. if you have flab, do some toning exercises. good luck.Health Question & Answer

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