Why is starving yourself unhealthy (assuming you have a way of getting nutrients)?!

Question: Why is starving yourself unhealthy (assuming you have a way of getting nutrients).?
I know that you don't get the nutrients, but if you had a zero calorie way of getting nutrients, wouldn't it be healthy because the fat on our bodies is for when we're starving.?Health Question & Answer

Ok so few times a day your stomach produces acids to digest your food.

When there is no food in your stomach and your body requires nutriments, the stomach still produces acids and it digests not your food, since there is none, but your stomach, and that's how people get ulcer, from malnutrition. So if you starve yourself, your stomach will shrink and there is a high chance that you will get an ulcer. Which is a bad thing to have since you can't heal that. It's a hole in your stomach that hurts a lot, like hell.

So eat healthy and don't starve yourself.

Good luck.Health Question & Answer

No, starving yourself isn't healthy. Do you mean that if you done it for a few days so the fat would have to be used therefore you would lose weight.? If that is what you mean, if you done that, your stomach would shrink and then when you tried to start eating again you wouldn't be able to eat much as your stomach would be too small.

Either way DO NOT starve yourself, it is really bad for your body imagine all your organs needing food to work properly and you are depriving them of it. Your body is like a car, you feed it and it works. Your body can't run on empty.Health Question & Answer

When your body goes into starvation mode it will hold on to everything, even fat. But if you are really starved, then you are not getting any nourishment and your muscles become emaciated. If you get the nutrients that you need, by definition you are not starving, in fact that is one definition of good health.Health Question & Answer

Your body needs energy to function. Humans get energy from calories from foods. No food = no energy. No energy = no life. No life = death. Death = bad. Bad = not good. Simple math, sir.Health Question & Answer

because your body goes into storage mode and gets more eficiant in terms of energy burning and makes it difficult to lose weight because your sody will retain it longer.Health Question & Answer

im sorry, but you obviously dont know very much about the subject. Health Question & Answer

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