What do YOU, think is it too much?!

Question: What do YOU, think is it too much.?
I've just drawn up my new training program. is it too much.?
each sessions start is 20 mins cardio
Day 1. (3 sets of 20) chest, shoulders, tri's
pec dec, push ups,flys and presses, cable cross overs, side lats, front raises, over head ext, plate turns,shoulder press, push downs, dips, kick backs,
Day 2 (3 sets of 20 maybe 4) Legs and abs
Leg ext,leg curl,dead lift,lunges, leg press,squats,side raises and kick (hips and gluts). Crunches, reverse crunches, swiss ball ext, scissors
Day 3 Back and arms
Pull downs, dumbbell row, pull ups, push down rows, hyper ext, cable pulls,dumbell curls, barbell curls preacher curls, concertrated curls, rept abs

I'd really appreciate some advice instead of being referred to sites.. huge thank you!
Health Question & Answer

I wouldn't do cardio before your workout lol. You want your max energy so you can lift with good form and so you don't tire out halfway through. Save it for off days or after you're done lifting.

also, the reps are kinda high, add weight so you fail around 6-10 reps per set. Your workout seems like a lot if you're just starting. And make sure your nutrition is correct and don't overtrain etc.

http://bodybuilding.com has better/more in depth advice if you haven't been there before.Health Question & Answer

If you are already a big guy and are trying to lose weight, high rep workouts may be the way to go. On the other hand if you are trying to get bigger muscles and get stronger you are doing way to may reps and obviously not enough weight. I have never heard of anybody that is an avid lifter doing 20 reps for any exercise as far as resistance is concerned. So in my opinion YES you are doing way to many reps, not exercises, just reps in those exercises. If I'm not mistaken this many reps may not benefit you in strength or weight loss. Try doing the 3 sets with 10-12 reps, just add more weight. You'll still get cut but you'll also get stronger.Health Question & Answer

switch day 2 and 3. you do not want to do abs then the next day work out. abs shud be the last thing you do before a day off. id also throw tri's in with back and arms. that way all your arm muscles will fresh and ready to go. so maybe this.?
day 1 Chest shoulders back
day 2 arms, tris, maybe even legs. since legs are your strongest, you could work them a little more and still not be 2 sore. plus everybody wants tone legs lol
day 3 Abs and Legs.

Plus dont base cardio on time, base it on distance for best results. i myself do between 2- 5 miles at first, then a nother mile cool down after my work out.

hope i help, good luck!Health Question & Answer

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