I'll do whatever it takes (reasonably) to lose 10 lbs in a month. What should I do?!

Question: I'll do whatever it takes (reasonably) to lose 10 lbs in a month. What should I do.?
I'm a military wife. I was a stick person when I left town 3 years ago. Unfortunately, my metabolism kind of doesn't work as good as it used too.
I'm 5'`10 and way 165 lbs.
I want to at LEAST get down to 155 or 150 by the time that I go home in a month.
The more that I think about it, I'm embarrassed to go back.
Any ideas to lose the weight quickly.?
Not to mention, my husband is going on a 6 month DET in a month and a half. I don't want him to remember a fatso for a wife.

Thanks.Health Question & Answer

Drink only water for the first week, as much water as you want. No coffee, no soda, no energy drinks, just water. The second week you can add juice. The third week you can add coffee if you must, but no sugar, only cream.

Concentrate all your carbohydrate eating into one 45 minute period each day. If you eat three meals, then two of them should have very few carbs - no rice, no potato, no starch, no bread, nothing but lettuce, celery, tomato, parsley, meats, cheese, other low carb veggies. In between snax can be cheese, nuts, celery, but keep these to a minimum, and no crackers, chips, popcorn, anything with carbs.

One meal a day, focus all your carb eating. But get it done in 45 minutes. Then no more carbs the rest of the day. This meal can be in the morning or at lunch or in the evening, but the same time every day, and no cheating. Eat pancakes, cereal, pastries, anything sweet, dried fruits, fresh fruits, juices, etc.

The objective of this carbo timing is to work with the insulin cycle in your body. By producing insulin every time you eat, the body is focused on storing the energy from sugars as fat. Break the insulin cycle by having one meal where insulin is produced, and having no repetition of the cycle. If you prolong the carbo meal, or have a sweetened drink, you stimulate the production of insulin, and you break the system.

Just eliminating calories from drinks can dramatically reduce your weight in the first week. Timing the carbohydrates in your diet can help you drop two pounds or more each of the following weeks. When you reach your target weight, keep it by adding small amounts of carbs at the other meals.

Exercise is very important. However, jogging and running can be bad for your knees and your lower back. Bicycling is actually less impact and can burn as many calories. Swimming is also lower impact, though it is much harder to get good cardio from swimming because it tends to be less vigorous. Water is very resistant, though, so it can build strength quite easily. And vigorous swimming for twenty minutes can provide adequate cardio.Health Question & Answer

For a fast easy workout go to http://firsttimelifter.com/ This is workout that I used in high school when I was trying to get into shape, if you stick with this it will help you lose weight. It works almost every muscle in your body. Ooo and if you dont mind after you have all the information you need click on an ad or watch the youtube video cuz a man's gotta eat LOL. Goodluck.Health Question & Answer

go to an asian doctor. mines great. he changes you metabolism its amazing. or if you cant the key is eat 80% alcaline food and 20% acids... search for the lists on the internet. i lost 20 lbs in 2 months. ofcourse you need to do excersize too. ut seriously go to him and he sticks painless needles in you and changes ur metabolism. you mayalso be allergic to some foods thatmake you bloat, he cna find them.
good luckHealth Question & Answer

Start jogging!! Im convinced jogging is magic. It tones, it loses so many calories and you actually feel so good when you accomplish a good new distance. When losing weight & jogging, its about distance not speed, so dont worry about going too fast if its hard.
It works - I promise!Health Question & Answer

Eat right. No more soda (at all!), drink water, eat more fruits and vegetables, run/jog everyday, eat nuts, drink nonfat milk, eat whole grain bread, and do crunches everyday. Don't eat chips or food too salty either.Health Question & Answer

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